Example sentences of "to [pos pn] [noun sg] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 appeals to my pride as a failed consumer .
2 They may communicate more fully than they would in real life but this is to my advantage as the reader because it increases my relief and my pleasure .
3 It is possible , for example , to place nine of my readings of SF texts at the nine nodes , according to my judgement as a single reader .
4 But JUSt as it IS proper for me to look back to my wedding day as assurance that I am really married , so it is proper to look back to my baptism as a mark given me by the Holy Spirit that I am really born again in Christ , and to the eucharist as a pledge that I do partake of his life , feed on him , and shall in the last day share his resurrection .
5 He 's necessary to my life as an artist . ’
6 During the lead-up to my emergence as a fully-fledged lesbian , I suffered unspeakably as I steered myself through a minefield of heavily internalized Catholic dogma .
7 There was also one piece of the jigsaw that now slotted into place : before June died , he took LSD in controlled circumstances with a therapist : ‘ I became conscious of very early emotions about not being wanted — feeling that I was a problem to my family as an infant . ’
8 In contrast , a categorical imperative bids me , as a rational being , do such and such , whatever my desires may happen to be , because doing so is essential to living up to my status as a rational being .
9 In addition to its function as a crucial teaching and learning method , talk is now widely recognised as promoting and embodying a range of skills and competence — both transactional and social — that are central to children 's overall language development .
10 A given word can be seen as the point of intersection of a bundle of different strings of associations , all of which contribute to its function as a sign .
11 E&Y paid $400m to the Resolution Trust Corporation and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at the end of last year , as full and final settlement of any outstanding claims relating to its work as a savings and loan auditor ( see ACCOUNTANCY , January , p 15 ) .
12 This may be due to its availability as a popular aquarium fish , but it certainly can not be attributed to lack of sex identification .
13 Partition made comparatively little difference to its position as a market town for Donegal , but inevitably the industrial goods of Derry have to get to the mainland .
14 Across in South Kensington the Troubadour had been an early target of Private Eye 's Andrew Osmond , due to its reputation as a ‘ CND stronghold ’ .
15 Hence , their views , based as they are on personal first-hand experiences , form an important body of evidence about whether or to what extent Britain lives up to its reputation as a liberal democratic country .
16 So Y may have no worth in itself and yet contribute 90 degrees of value to X + Y , as being necessary to its existence as a whole .
17 It is blessed with a sunny position high above the Bodensee , and some of its fame is owed to its standing as a health resort , offering electrotherapy and treatments designed for those recovering from heart attacks , nervous disorders , stress and circulation problems .
18 For the first time , Acustar had to ’ sell ’ its services to its parent as an independent supplier would .
19 This is because of the widespread development of partial resistance to penicillin and other antibiotics by the gonococcus , due to its evolution as a response to changes in its environment .
20 Not until much later was a similar vegetable , spinach , cooked carefully with butter , orange juice and a little nutmeg and served as a side dish with ‘ sippets ’ of toast , without a passing thought as to its efficacy as a regulator of the bowels .
21 Faced with this threat from building societies to their share in the savings market , banks have come to attach greater significance to the personal sector and to its importance as a source of profits .
22 The defection of Iraq from the Baghdad Pact in 1959 led to its re-establishment as the Central Treaty Organization ( CENTO ) .
23 — e.g. the word ’ conduct ’ in ’ John 's conduct at his violin lesson ’ invokes the sense of behaviour due to its status as a noun , despite other connections between ’ conduct ’ and ’ violin ’ .
24 It is clear that this " mood " could only have come to dominate the study of English by deflecting the major challenges to its status as a " real discipline " .
25 That the mutability of a text should be based on a cybernetic paradigm as opposed to a print paradigm in no way threatens to affect the characteristics specific to its status as a written text .
26 Its scarcity contributed to its status as the most universally accepted precious substance , but this only ensured that unceasing efforts were made to reduce scarcity by increasing supplies .
27 While there are many further applications of biotechnology in agriculture , such as in the treatment of agricultural waste , the examples given above testify to its potency as a future agent of environmental change , a potency which is likely to increase exponentially as genetic engineering develops ( section 8.4.3 ) .
28 It is possible that a domain such as Estate Agents will be adequately covered by the LOB corpus , due to its nature as a concrete , well-understood domain that is concerned with ’ everyday ’ words and concepts such as houses , towns , rooms , etc .
29 Bevin 's response was implicitly to accept the strategic vulnerability of the Middle East in wartime , but to argue that Britain 's presence in that area was crucial to its role as a great political power .
30 This overall picture of the marriage relationship would not be complete , however , without some reference to its role as a device imposing ‘ decency and respectability ’ by regulating ‘ indiscriminate child-bearing ’ .
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