Example sentences of "to [pos pn] [noun sg] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , I do n't get pissed off and run to my guitar and write a song .
2 I was all alone in my flat , so I crawled to my phone and rung a friend to beg for help .
3 Suddenly ran up to my mum and burst out ,
4 Then he goes to my neighbour and says to him : ‘ Joseph has some good horses .
5 Then I went back to my panel-picture and worked until it was time to start the supper .
6 As fast as he undid them I did them up again , so that when he got to my waist and sighed he recoiled with indignation and astonishment to find that his labour had been in vain .
7 ‘ I got on the radio to my controller and told him to call the police quick . ’
8 oh cheerful , well his , his father was a step brother to my dad and do you know , how on earth we 're related I 'll never know
9 He stepped on to my lap and began to tread my crotch , purring loudly .
10 I went up to my bedchamber and prayed , as I have not prayed — from desolation — since I prayed to leave Mrs Teape 's house and thought I should never be answered .
11 The problem was finally solved by fixing a wire to my ankle and running it under the rock to an aqualunged diver , who on a signal from Stuart would tug on the wire and pull me down with the speed of an express lift , and would let go when my face turned blue .
12 I jumped up on to my bunk and looked at the others sitting around playing cards , arguing with each other or lying on their beds staring at the ceiling .
13 But come over to my tent and bring your drink — bring Melody too , if you like . ’
14 I went back to my tent and discussed the situation with Omar .
15 Well a Jehovah 's Witness came to my door and said er Jesus Christ was not the son of God .
16 ‘ Anyway , she came to my door and invited me to dinner . ’
17 He did not reply to my question but shuffled a paper and looked at his sidekick , the same woman who 'd visited with him before .
18 He listened to my question and said : ‘ The difference is easily explained : imagine Kings to be a photograph and Chronicles to be a portrait — both are true . ’
19 let's go back to my hotel and fool around .
20 I had to send her a greetings telegram , so that she would not be alarmed at the sight of the envelope , saying : DARLING MUM I AM MARRIED TO MY MUSE AND HAVE NO INTENTION OF SEEKING A DIVORCE SO DO N'T WORRY I 'LL BE A BACHELOR GAY FOR ME REST OF MY LIFE LOVE JIM .
21 I need only one thing from you and his Grace , to return to my home and take part at least of my dowry with me .
22 Bryan even came to my home and scoffed at me for suggesting that he and the Duchess were lovers .
23 I sat with my head in my hands for a while , then I went over to my desk and took out a small framed photograph of Anne and myself which I always hid before she arrived .
24 After listening to my heart and extracting a syringe-full of blood from an artery , they connected my right arm to the drip-feed .
25 Will the Minister now come to my constituency and meet representatives of this responsible campaign group to discuss the prospect of a full public inquiry into the matter ?
26 I would have to go to my constituency and say that I had been outbid by Tory Ministers , and that after complaining for all these years about their accruing power to themselves I had found that I had been wrong all the time .
27 Mum went over to my window and looked down at the street .
28 Crilly comes to my bed and sits beside me .
29 Benjamin sat on the stool next to my bed and wiped the sweat from his face .
30 That was the whole point and the way , it was like , he could he could hit , he could , he could hit me or go like that to my hair or run his fingers through my face , rip all my clothes up , you know what I mean , not rip them off , rip them up !
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