Example sentences of "to [pos pn] [noun] [subord] i " in BNC.

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1 Enya , who is at No. 11 with the haunting Book Of Days , reveals : ‘ I had hair down to my waist until I was 18 , then one day I cut it all off .
2 And now I 've given way to my emotions when I swore to my father I never would .
3 Even a woman like you wo n't want to be responsible for what could happen to my sister if I do n't find him soon . ’
4 By then she was talking to my back as I headed downstairs again to the communal phone on the wall .
5 Though I still argued at parties , defending Sir Stafford Cripps and the Labour Government , no one I met now seemed to be interested : they listened to my opinions because I was pretty , their eyes on the cleavage of my dress .
6 I would not hand this in to my superior lest I would become a victim of the purges myself .
7 He came to my door while I was having my tea .
8 Francis , flanked by secretary Graham Mackrell , who was waving the fax above his head , said : ‘ I did n't even refer the offer to my chairman because I have a mandate that David is not for sale .
9 ‘ I take it that means you 're still agreeable to my company when I can make it ? ’
10 There was no answer to my knock so I went round to the side door facing the canal .
11 Now I go back to my home where I came from .
12 She told TODAY last night : ‘ He came to my home when I was alone and I went to his surgery .
13 I get the T T G delivered to my home cos I subscribe for it and I get the business one that you do when
14 In fact as soon as I walked in I was n't allowed to go to my desk until I promised her I would get the computer out
15 Something permanent happened to my heart when I watched him , a tough street kid , cooing over his offspring .
16 Its reflection on the water surface of the river at Abingdon advanced towards me , in this case not exactly to my feet because I was up on the bridge , but whatever else I managed to achieve in the picture I had to make this plane of the river advance .
17 I know this to my cost as I spent the next few days discovering which Stain Devil cleaning stick was needed to remove most of my portion from Sunil 's white bathroom carpet .
18 I do n't want that to happen to my daughter so I smacked her for stealing and lying . ’
19 I was looking forward to my day because I would be getting my monthly allowance of thirty pounds from my mum .
20 Of course I must add that the concept of ethnicity is available to them , as it would not be available to my neighbours if I bought a cottage in Suffolk , unless they were anti-Semitic .
21 I was pointing it out to my passengers when I heard ‘ Mayday !
22 They were still talking when I continued on my way back to my roomette where I sat in comfortable privacy for a while reading the timetable and also reflecting that although I still had no answers to the old questions , I now had a whole crop of new ones , the most urgent being whether or not Filmer had already known the Youngs were friends of Ezra Gideon .
23 There 's a few examples here , Mother Theresa was one that sprung sprang to my mind when I was thinking it through .
24 Happiness was not the first quality to come to my mind when I thought of Jennifer and Christopher .
25 The cap badge with its St Andrew 's Cross split in two brought a lump to my throat as I stood rooted to the spot .
26 The charming compliment implied by the phrase ‘ funny man ’ was enough to give an extra spring to my wrist as I dunked my toast soldier into my Sunday morning boiled egg .
27 Well , the thing is , Pop Will Eat Itself used to come down to my place when I first had it and absolutely f— the place up .
28 I felt the blood rush to my face as I heard her name .
29 It 's better when you send me to my room when I 'm naughty .
30 Kathy Rooney had to leave me one night when we were dining at the Kensington Hilton , so she took me to the porter to arrange for him to take me upstairs to my room when I was ready .
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