Example sentences of "to [pos pn] [noun] [subord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I will return to my employer as contracted , ’ Richmann growled .
2 It can find expression in one 's attitude to voluntary organizations , to the culture and traditions of the community , and in behaviour to its members when met in anonymous situations .
3 It can pass its calm temperament to its offspring when crossed with the more excitable Africander and Brahman .
4 Although blobspace can be located on any device or medium or across several , the field in a database record corresponding to a particular BLOB will always point to its location when interrogated by the database user .
5 Or by a robin quite determinedly attacking a bundle of red feathers that it has mistaken as an invader to its territory while ignoring an adjacent and perfectly good-looking stuffed robin , but lacking the all-important red feather flash .
6 Each would be asked to notify the IMF within one month whether it agreed to its share as determined by the IMF ; each successor could formally accede to the IMF once it had met the formal conditions specified .
7 The to infinitive is not used because one is not situating the incidence of the infinitive 's event to its support as coming after some other position in time at which the support is also represented , as was the case in ( 1 ) above .
8 Of the other parties , the Independent Smallholders ' Party ( which had won 57 per cent of the vote in the last free election in 1945 — see p. 7600 ) , led by Istvan Prepeliczay , advocated the return of collectivized land to its owners as listed in the 1947 land register ; the Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP ) was established in October 1989 [ see p. 36960-61 ] as the reformed successor to the Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party ( HSWP ) and currently claimed 50,000-60,000 members , the first candidate on its national list being Imre Poszgay , who had acted as a catalyst for many of the reforms but who came third in the constituency where he was also standing ; and the League of Young Democrats ( FIDESZ ) , led by Viktor Orban and claiming 5,000 members , was closely allied to the SzDSz .
9 That is , an authority may rely on considerations which do not apply to its subjects when doing so reliably leads to decisions which approximate better than any which would have been reached by any other procedure , to those decisions best supported by reasons which apply to the subjects .
10 It is not until we broach such questions as , What is meant when a speaker sets an adjective in juxtaposition to its noun as opposed to linking it indirectly via a form of the verb to be ? that we can start to give a full and proper account of syntax .
11 It believes this would prevent legal challenges to its status while retaining its flexibility to interpret the code according to changing circumstances .
12 When an issuing or confirming bank becomes the recipient of a receipt message , it has the same right to object to its terms as does the shipper .
13 Now the reconstruction of Georg Bähr 's great eighteenth-century Protestant church has become part of a DM1 billion ( £416 million ; $583 million ) campaign to restore the city centre to its appearance as recorded in Canaletto 's paintings .
14 It subsequently emerged that he had been assassinated by a young Tamil woman who triggered explosives strapped to her back while presenting him with a bouquet .
15 If she was so close to her father she must have known how he would have reacted to her answer when asked of her love .
16 But there is more to their work than meets the eye .
17 States are prevented from adhering to conventional provisions that operate to their benefit while distancing themselves from any undesired obligations .
18 Such agreements could only be honoured if Britain retained the power to go to their assistance when called upon to do so .
19 Counsel rise to their feet when addressing or being addressed by the court .
20 less to their relationship than meets the eye ?
21 Little can be more disreputable than a Government who hang on to their jobs while pursuing policies that guarantee that thousands of other people will lose theirs .
22 This will avoid duplication , and if you are using a store to organise your list do remember to inform them so they can add it to their list as having been bought .
23 It is perhaps strange that , whilst we pride ourselves on our commitment to individual freedom and self-expression , listening to the problems of other people , and responding appropriately to their needs as expressed , is less common .
24 Flowering plants also respond to their environment as shown by the charming example of Linneaus , flower clock ( Table 1.1 ) .
25 It is DTI 's intention and remit to continue promoting awareness of Open Systems in the second stage of the programme , and the OSTT Programme is keen to work closely with industry bodies and organisations in order to ensure that information and guidance is widely distributed to their clients when planning or implementing Open Systems strategies .
26 On June 8 , 18 political organizations including the OLF had unsuccessfully petitioned the electoral commission for a postponement until irregularities and " discriminatory activities " had been resolved and all armed forces had withdrawn to their camps as agreed [ see pp. 38660 ; 38855 ] .
27 Certainly personal affection and the admiring contemplation of beautiful objects involve consciousness , although it would be a mistake to think that there is no more to their value than comes simply from the kind of consciousness involved .
28 They brought praise and prestige to their trade while reinforcing Northern Ireland 's reputation as the home of good food .
29 When it was shown to publishers , however , it was rejected as ‘ too difficult ’ , and indeed its young hero has to resolve the different claims of loyalty to an oath and his friends or his duty to his country as represented by the autocratic but not tyrannous government .
30 The order is in the opinion of the Secretary of State such as to give effect either to the Director 's proposals or to his proposal as modified by the Advisory Committee ; and
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