Example sentences of "to [be] having [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oh they 've heard from Gav well she phoned Gavin yesterday apparently and he seems to be having a whale of a time .
2 They seemed to be having a quarrel .
3 So what 's interesting here is that they seem to be having a conversation about un the university matters , the history department and so on but in fact there 's this kind of subtext going on here in which both of them want to find out about the other person 's children and both of them are being very mysterious and avoiding the question .
4 Erm and also check whether any of the college dinners this term or year , next term whatever , are going to be having a speaker .
5 You two seem to be having a bit of a difference of opinion .
6 They all seemed to be having a lot of fun , and I envied them , but the thought of jiving in a tight blue skirt and Waaf knickers was quite impossible .
7 Was that how Nellie 's Mum came to be having a baby , I wondered ?
8 ‘ You wo n't forget , Birdy ’ ( Birdy ? ) ‘ that you 're supposed to be having a headache , will you ? ’
9 Tommy Sparks was a man having a remarkable thirst and woe betide anyone unfortunate enough to be having a haircut around opening time .
10 ‘ I just think that it 's disgusting for you to be having an affair with a married woman , that 's all . ’
11 The Fatah leadership was reported to be having an emergency meeting in Tunis as a result of the reports .
12 A JOINT operation by Wirral Council and Merseyside Police appears to be having an impact on cockling problems in the Dee Estuary .
13 Lack of loadings have forced the two trips on July 15 and July 29 to go to the wall and FSS spokesman John Leech said : ‘ The recession still seems to be having an effect on the way people spend their money . ’
14 I mean the strain on families must be enormous in a strike situation and for both people in the family to be having an input and feeling that they 're getting some sort of feedback from the situation that it 's not just despair must surely you know be you know there 's that side to it and then erm from the women 's point of view I mean we have like I said become one big family in a way you know and the social side of the strike in a way you know people are sa you know going out more maybe and certainly
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