Example sentences of "to [noun prp] [conj] [pers pn] could " in BNC.

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1 A fatal accident inquiry at Dumbarton Sheriff Court yesterday was told that the pilot , Robert Watts , 53 , had been advised not to try to fly to Mull if he could avoid it .
2 Television had postponed Manchester United 's scheduled visit to Anfield so it could be shown live on 22 December , the longest night .
3 ‘ Are n't you and Charles due to go off on holiday soon ? ’ she queried , when tea and biscuits were duly dispensed to Lucy and she could sit down on a wicker-backed chair and sip her own .
4 Diana admitted to Penny that she could n't bear the pressure of her position any longer and that she had to leave the system .
5 Bartholomew was the most senior US official to visit Pakistan since October 1990 when the US Congress suspended economic and military assistance to Pakistan after it could not certify that Pakistan had no nuclear weapons programme .
6 He reported back to Allah that he could find only an idol worshipper .
7 Perhaps you could c come from you see , but you would n't be able to come near Amlwch or you could get to Amlwch and you could n't get to .
8 They had turned back to Sicily and I could n't see a formation but spotted a straggler who , curiously enough , was flying diagonally across our line of approach and not heading pell-mell for home .
9 I 've done that to Pam and she could n't stop laughing !
10 I wanted people to think I 'd gone to Summertown and I could prove it if necessary .
11 Before the gun battle started the Vietnamese youths issued extravagant demands , including one for a flight to Thailand so they could fight communists .
12 Another effect of ACE was to take jobs from others in full-time employment because , for the above reasons , employers naturally turned to ACE if they could get away with it .
13 who I 've , cos she said to Mr if she could bring a camera for us to camcord
14 It explained his interest in Heather 's disappearance as well as his offer of money to Harry if he could give him a story .
15 He suggested once to Blanche that she could perhaps feel such chill draughts blowing from the past when others could not .
16 Meanwhile , in her mind , she had visions of the Brownings rattling along in high good humour with all manner of beautiful vistas to right and left as they trotted to Arezzo and she could hear the conversation and Pen 's excited laughter .
17 Claire Claremont arrived , giggling and nuzzling up to Byron when she could in a manner distinctly unlike her half-sister 's .
18 Some patients got others to write for them when they were low , but there was nothing Lily wanted to say to Vincent that she could ask anyone to write .
19 Sometimes , when she looked at her like that , it seemed to Emmie that she could easily forget what Gran was like when she was well — how she had looked , sitting in the kitchen all last winter , rocking in her old chair and telling them stories and teaching Oliver games to play with her darning eggs .
20 The Sunday Citizen withdrew the allegations , apologised and paid Wigg 's costs in the matter — the settlement was on my advice to Wigg that he could not know what view a jury would take of his actions in relation to Profumo .
21 What Weber sought was a factor that was unique to Europe that he could show was logically connected with the emergence of capitalism .
22 He half turned , indecisive , and Huy caught sight of a grey profile , vaguely familiar , but the man turned back to Nubenehem before he could place it .
23 The Geordie who moved from Newcastle to Nottingham so he could regularly fish the Trent is rated by Frank Barlow as one of the country 's best float anglers — and accolades do n't come much higher than that !
24 Based on that I have to give it to Mel cos he could also bend the ball around the wall to score — I never saw Lorimer do that ( he did nt have to ! ) .
25 William shouted something to Grace but she could not hear him — the sounds of the wind and the sea were too loud , too terrible .
26 It seemed to [ Judith ] that the emperor 's good physical condition might not last much longer , and his death would threaten danger to herself and to Charles unless they could win over one of Charles 's elder brothers to work with them , and they calculated that none of the emperor 's sons would fit this role so well as Lothar .
27 It came to Paul that he could watch it advancing from the roof of the hall .
28 I had to go to London and I could n't leave her .
29 He had told me he was going all the way to Stornoway and I could tell that it was quite an event .
30 ‘ But Urban the Eighth took the bronze from the inside of the dome and gave it to Bernini so he could create a baldacchino — a canopy — for the papal altar in Saint Peter 's . ’
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