Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [conj] then [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Listen to ten digits try to hold on to them and then write them down .
2 Cul-de-sacs skirt warily down to them and then peter out .
3 He flashed signals back to me and then ran downstairs to check by telephone to see if the message had been sent and received correctly .
4 So , so , he looked , he looked round at me , he looked at the the other group waiting in front and he was , he flashed his lights at them so that , they realised what was going on by then , they moved forward a bit , I moved back a bit and he just had enough room he reversed right up close to me and then got out but he just had enough room to get out , and since then I wo n't park over the driveway up there , cos you can bet your life the one driveway along that road and you parked in front is the one that somebody wants to get into .
5 Using national newspapers , select at least one job which is of interest to you and then write a letter of application .
6 It is worth seeing which one means most to you and then experimenting to produce the correct inside attack into impact .
7 When you change your shoes , you should call the dog to you and then offer plenty of encouragement .
8 Dad got me to read aloud to him and then offered me a barley sugar .
9 He offered the umbrella to him and then followed suit , both were presently arranged , expectant and a little flushed , now standing on the far side .
10 Edward reportedly surrendered and abdicated , whereupon the estates renounced their homage to him and then returned to inform parliament .
11 The spell was broken , the pool was rippled from its serenity by the way he snapped instructions to her and then ran to the Administration block .
12 The fact that he 'd made love to her and then tried to brush her off .
13 A strength that was not of her body but rooted in absolute desperation got her to her feet rising with the urchins still clinging to her and then shaking them off like the she-bears , once chained in this square for sport , had shaken off the baiting dogs .
14 And he said , ‘ Go down to Market Time and buy ‘ Are You Experienced ’ by Jimi Hendrix , go home and listen to it and then come back tomorrow and tell me what you thought .
15 If my right hand had n't felt as if somebody had grafted a bunch of bananas on to it and then dipped it in acid , it would have been a pleasant experience .
16 A breadth-first traversal goes from one node to all the nodes directly connected to it and then resumes the process at one of those connected nodes .
17 Try creating a 3DMenu on your hard disk , copy all the 3DMenu files over to it and then start adding and altering options to customize it for your system .
18 According to Walter Map this was his mother 's teaching : he should keep aspirants waiting in hope , she said , deliberately spinning out their affairs , for an unruly hawk , if meat is held out to it and then snatched away or hid , will become keener and more inclined to be attentive and obedient .
19 After you finish your first tape can we rewind it and so we can all listen to it and then rewind it back so they do n't
20 I can then put the headphones on , listen back to it and then erase their conversation , you know ?
21 To colour in a rectangle , you simply move the cursor on to it and then press the key that corresponds to the code for the colour you require .
22 I think it came from David , but Angie and Tony certainly drummed it up and sold it to us and then went on and sold it to others .
23 We are setting ourselves targets for the time we take to make decisions on papers submitted to us and then to publish the papers .
24 I mean , what we 're trying to do in the visual arts is to spend what limited money we have to produce a better situation for the visual artist and for the public who gets pleasure and enlightenment from visual arts than exists at the moment , so rather than just prop up the status quo , which is what is would be very easy to do if one just kept the pot boiling so to speak by giving a few grants to artists here and sitting at the centre of a spider 's web in Tunbridge Wells waiting for applications to come in to us and then responding .
25 okay , if you could tell us the scenario , read the scenario to us and then read the press release please .
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