Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [conj] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 When it is pointed out to them that they have already been invited to say what they like , they become rather sheepish .
2 To pay for this , insurers load the front-end charges on policies , so that customers get back only a fraction of what should be due to them if they have to cash in ahead of time .
3 Many people make wills and leave instructions about things that are important to them because they have assessed the risk and feel that they should anticipate the future and their possible demise .
4 United 's Darren Ferguson is likely to give way for Robson 's return , but manager Alex Ferguson softened the blow for his son when he said : ‘ The players know I 've been loyal to them because they have fought hard with little reward .
5 ‘ I have also discussed the situation with the Football League and put the full facts to them and they have given me clear advice .
6 If a predator is nosing close to them and they have not yet rolled tightly into a ball , they may bend and then suddenly straighten their legs , thrusting their spiny backs up into the killer 's sensitive nose .
7 I think that probably they labour under a heavier burden in that , right from birth , in many cases , things have been done for them , to them and they have had very little control .
8 Number one is British National Corpus , members will have received a letter from the chief executive enclosing details about the British National Corpus , the B N C have sought permission to tape the Wiltshire County Council 's Committee meeting , and it was suggested to them and they have agreed to tape today 's proceedings .
9 ‘ What has happened recently has been a big shock to them and they have now got to knuckle down . ’
10 Suffice it to say that no one owns neighbourhood watch schemes , except those who belong to them and who have helped to make them a success .
11 Bits and pieces are still filtering out from IBM Corp 's conference call with analysts after its third quarter figures last week , and its director of investor relations Jim Clippard finally acknowledged that IBM could cut its workforce even more than the 25,000 announced in December , late in second quarter or in the third quarter : ‘ It 's clear to me that they have to go well beyond the 25,000 , ’ said PaineWebber analyst Stephen Smith , ‘ Maybe even 50,000 ; ’ analysts told Reuter that IBM said the majority of its targeted 25,000 plus staffers will leave the company during the second quarter , leaving it open to another plan in the second half of 1993 .
12 And if you look at studies of ‘ community ’ it seems to me that they have n't been resolved .
13 Although I have great respect for W. 's consultant and for the dedication of the staff , it seems to me that they have been manoeuvred into a position from which a change is necessary , even if it is a change that carries the risk of interpretation by W. as ‘ yet another adult rejection and failure . ’
14 It has been a great joy to me that we have remained a very close family .
15 This is probably true , but it seems to me that we have now become so engrossed in the jargon of " turbidites " ( an objectionable genetic term ) and with their " bottom structures " , that most of us have lost sight of the real significance of the original idea .
16 So that it seem to me that we have to take that into account in terms of how we are approaching our struggle .
17 Well I think what they suggest to me that we have to pay for the poster site .
18 And it did bring it home to me that we have got a major security problem in this building and in our other municipal buildings and quite frankly the ease with which anybody can come into this building at virtually any time of the day or evening astounds me .
19 It seems to me that we have not a very consistent to this .
20 But , to be fair to your potential customers , who could do this themselves , if they so desired , it seems to me that you have to treat the thing as a business from the word go , and try to bring something different to the market .
21 You know like for example if I said come on chaps thank you , erm what you 're actually doing then is confessing to me that you have n't finish off Chapter ten questions .
22 It appears to me that I have collected his and everyone else 's quota of the annoying little bastards , so I return to my trench , wrap myself up , and sleep fitfully until I am awakened to take my turn on guard .
23 I do not think that I am claiming any particular credit if it seems to me that I have traversed writing in all forms , as best I could .
24 By 1825 Hannah More could remark : ‘ It is a singular satisfaction to me that I have lived to see such an increase in genuine religion among the higher classes of society .
25 Something whispered to me that I have never myself been converted ! …
26 I understand now , though , and it seems to me that I have no need whatever to rush into anything .
27 It is by comparison with the published criteria and all the information available to me that I have reached a judgment .
28 It finished up with one erm very relevant , relevant to this class , quotation erm ca n't remember the last part of it though , he was talking about the Indian , that he had a , talking about it and saying voodism catholism and then the next stage erm which I ca n't remember the word but in effect it meant co-operation and you ca n't get that it seems to me unless you have a , a change of vision , change in erm not just in society but in people because this is where it starts .
29 This prospect is pleasing to me but I have seen Mr Landor and confess myself alarmed .
30 This awful thing has never happened to me but I have been in the situation leading up to the attack hundreds of times , in trusting casual acquaintances to walk me home or allowing strange men to come into my house to do repairs .
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