Example sentences of "to [noun pl] [conj] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 when I wanted some help or who to invite to meetings but because I have n't got a reply from everyone or most people , it ca n't work does it ?
2 Everything was wrong with him — he would n't always come to meetings and when he did he was ‘ difficult ’ .
3 When asked to endorse an SSR , managers are informed whether the package is intended for eventual issue as a product , so that they know if an SSR is liable to be sent to clients or if it is purely internal .
4 When asked to endorse an SSR , managers are informed whether the package is intended for eventual issue as a product , so that they know if an SSR is liable to be sent to clients or if it is purely internal .
5 Drivers go to pubs and if they 're encouraged to drink more alcohol , the liklihood is they will cause an accident and kill themselves or other innocent people .
6 Other possible explanations are that interferon alfa is directly toxic to hepatocytes and that it induces autoimmune chronic active hepatitis .
7 We would say to workers that if there has been penetration or an exchange of bodily fluids , then the subject may crop up on the agenda . ’
8 The look of the covers is central to the consistency of the brand name , ensuring that each volume conforms to expectations and that it is concocted to the same recipe .
9 The driver objected on the ground that he was averse to needles and that he had once fainted when giving a sample of blood .
10 The Government can say that increased amounts have been devoted to pensions and that their pledges have been kept .
11 Anonymous threats were frequently sent to those suspected of hoarding or of enhancing prices , or warnings to justices that unless they intervened direct action would be undertaken .
12 Whether suggestions should be restricted to procedures or whether they should be general company-wide suggestions about everything and anything and the latter , who is responsible for sealing the suggestion , actioning it and making it move forward .
13 After Flinders you are aware I go to Kings and although I trust it will not be so it might take a month to accomplish the journey ( that is if the winds prove contrary ) I state this in order that you might not be alarmed in not hearing from me .
14 The mystic claims that the reality which monotheists call ‘ God ’ is essentially unknowable , but these revealed religions claim that he has spoken very clearly to men and that his divine Word has been expressed and can be experienced in very tangible ways .
15 Even those who had never heard of him mouthed his words , repeating them to others as though they had just thought of them themselves , which perhaps they had , for there is surely such a thing as a spirit of the times .
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