Example sentences of "to [art] [noun] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 The issue of the buyer 's good or bad faith was relevant only to the damages he could claim from the seller in contract ; the beneficiary himself was above such concerns .
2 Overall the Profitboss is openminded to the possibility he could make even more profit .
3 to get to the menu you could work out from the menu
4 If that policy were applied throughout Britain , as was also said by the right hon. Gentleman , it would cost £1.2 billion — an additional cost to the taxpayer which could only mean less investment in roads .
5 His navigational skills were required at Rió Grande and it was then he painted his Learjet with the name Ángel de Muerte , on both sides , so that on the radio beamed to the English they could say the Ángel of Death was coming with his French missiles loaded to kill . ’
6 On rare occasions complaints may be made to the school which could lead to court action .
7 A Sunday Life poll has revealed blanket opposition to the scheme which could spell closure for scores of rural post offices across the province .
8 Conversely , projects which encourage a caring attitude in boys and acceptance of ‘ non-macho ’ traits would presumably act to deflect the automatic expression of male toughness or aggression although it is always possible that hostility to the course itself could provoke even more of a ‘ male backlash ’ .
9 From my position at the entrance to the dug-out I could see the wounded in the sunken road in the same positions they were in before the shelling started .
10 To the west they could hear the rumble of artillery , crackle of muskets and sounds of combat , though curiously muffled and remote .
11 To the west he could see the outline of houses , probably a council estate , a trim row of identical roofs and square slabs of darkness broken by patterned squares of yellow as the early risers switched on their lights .
12 To the west you could see a sprinkling of town lights and , further west , the hills where the coal came from .
13 Prudence does not involve avoiding all risk , but it does involve avoiding taking risks which , if they eventuate , may have irreparable consequences or which are disproportionate to the benefits which could accrue from taking them .
14 And Bentham made explicit claims as to the benefits which could be expected to accrue to those who employed the principles on which his " inspection-houses " were founded .
15 The laird , however , would have a short memory indeed if he did not feel a deep sense of gratitude to the man who could remove the spectre of this large indigent family becoming a charge upon his estate .
16 The ability of the politician to provide patronage , of whatever nature , was never more than a tool of management , and however useful it might be to the man who could supply it , patronage in itself did not remove the need for active and continuous management of the voters included within the interest .
17 Philip , pressed so close to the tree he could feel the knobbles in the bark , watched him .
18 They had handcuffs on me and I 've still got marks on my hands — you can see — where the handcuffs were put on so tight that when I got to the station they could n't get them off me .
19 The cloth inside muffled the noise , but when he got close to the window he could make out a human voice .
20 ‘ I believe we loved each other , but when it came to the crunch he could n't leave the priesthood . ’
21 It went on so long that finally I did undress and started to give in to the sleep I could feel coming on me .
22 I 've been giving some thought to the next edition of Rural Wales/ Cymru Wledig , and to the contribution you could make .
23 In most of the examples discussed in this chapter , the finished product is a smooth curve which resembles what we might have drawn if we had smoothed the raw data by eye ; looking from the smooth back to the rough we could usually see the trend in the raw data .
24 In the event of serious damage to the building which could take 6 months or more to repair , consideration should be given to renting a property on a short term basis .
25 To the north we could see our route onwards through harsh , glacial terrain to the blue-grey lochans of the Panch Pokhari , ensconced at the head of the barren valley beneath a high cirque , breached by the notorious Amphu Labtse ( 5780 m ) .
26 To the north he could glimpse the beacon light in the Tower of St Mary Grace 's , and to the south the fires and torch flames from the Hospital of St Katherine .
27 High and very far to the north I could just hear an aeroplane , only the third or fourth I had heard at night since coming to the island .
28 Far to the south he could just glimpse the roof of Scudder 's Cottage .
29 As she hurried to grab a taxi to the hotel she could feel her stomach coiling into knots of dread .
30 But it also offered other advantages — protection of British jobs against cheap foreign imports , and an inflow of customs duties to the Treasury which could be used to pay for the escalating costs of both armaments and social reforms .
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