Example sentences of "to [noun sg] and [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Extract ( 11 ) is a very similar example , although less striking in that Brenda 's turn begins in London English before switching to Creole and back to London English for the self-interruption :
2 Too often students go straight from school to college and on to university without seeing any action resulting from their studies .
3 One of the initiatives is to encourage more teacher placements in industry , so that those in education who have gone from school to college and back to school as teachers and who have not experienced life in industry or commerce can be exposed to it , the better to assist their pupils in preparing for a working career .
4 To move between prompts and branches of the Command Tree : use a combination of the arrowed direction keys() OR tap the Tab key to move left to right and back to the beginning again
5 Tap the Spacebar to move left to right and back to the beginning again
6 With a user-defined hot-key , EmPath permits switching from MS-DOS to Unix and back from the MS-DOS prompt with our exiting apps running under either .
7 With a user-defined hot key , EmPath supports switching from MS-DOS to Unix and back from the MS-DOS prompt without exiting applications running under either .
8 Jennifer looked from son to father and back to son .
9 She felt as though flung from health to illness and back by the day , by the hour .
10 The plants which seemed to have died during the winter 's cold — the snapdragon , the hibiscus and the frangipani — miraculously sprang back to life and back into bloom .
11 He had spent the entire afternoon in his office , pacing from the desk to the window , from the widow to door and back to the desk again .
12 HELLOWEEN : ‘ Pink Bubbles Go Ape ’ ( EMI ) Germany 's premier rock band go to hell and back with this frightener , containing such weird titles as ‘ Heavy Metal Hamsters ’ and ‘ I 'm Don ’ Fine Crazy Man ’ ! — out now
13 To hell and back via Bank Breakdowns , queues , filth , cancellations — even the escalators do n't work .
14 His wife Kathy , who organised the walk , admits that Ian goes to hell and back on the walks .
15 In other words , the assumption is that the transformation from money-capital to commodity-capital and back to money-capital again will find no external barriers , other than the market .
16 payment of your travel costs to hospital and back for NHS treatment .
17 your journeys to hospital and back from NHS treatment .
18 Addictive disease is simply the next in the progression from short sight to diabetes and on to epilepsy .
19 Because of the consciousness of using the correct level of language in a conversation or discussion , any interpreter one engages may unconsciously modify statements going from English to Japanese and back to English again , according to the rank of the people involved .
20 As the years progressed and the girls grew from babyhood to childhood and on into girlhood and womanhood , Bertha Cohen could not prevent her early hopes from first wilting and then withering : what she had got were two daughters who were replicas , not of herself , but of her husband .
21 Owen : Well Kevin , we are trying , and we 'll be working with your parents on this , to get you back to school and up onto that list up there … see … that 's a list of those who 've returned to school .
22 At 14 , Hurston left home to work as a housemaid , then went back to school and on to university , where she studied literature and later anthropology .
23 All I want to see you better back to school and back to your fitness again .
24 Some of the returns from Taylor 's questionnaire 216 drew attention to these problems , one in particular reporting that another year of full-time work would be required to bring the thesis work up to standard and up to date .
25 Some of the returns from Taylor 's questionnaire drew attention to these problems , one in particular reporting that another year of full-time work would be required to bring the thesis work up to standard and up to date .
26 The disappearance of customs ' posts in that date between the member States had caused concern that there would be a haemorrhage of national treasures from country to country and out of the EEC itself .
27 They can hardly avoid suggesting death and life ; in that case his song says there can be no defeat — even if the wanderers die in the dark wood , the real Old Forest , they will in death break through to sunlight and out of a hampering shade .
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