Example sentences of "to [noun sg] [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For those with slightly less energy , the evening consisted of a barn dance and disco , and every one had the opportunity to listen to Consultancy Services ' David Webber and his string quartet .
2 The ‘ Chelsea Diagnostic Mathematics Tests ’ ( Hart et al. , 1984 ) , which are based on this research , were designed to measure pupils ' levels of understanding and identify particular errors which each of them make .
3 In his address to the Supreme Soviet session , Karimov said that calm was maintained in the republic thanks to opposition forces ' recognition " that civil consent is the main guarantee of state independence " .
4 Last week 's Interfirm Comparison Centre report showed again that commercial work is the top contributor to law firms ' revenue .
5 Then a list of possible new schemes dear to committee members ' hearts is added and a list of possible economies and cuts , 1 per cent , 5 per cent or 10 per cent in total .
6 listen to group members ' opinions and check that they have been understood
7 The difficulties inherent in a non-member of a speech community attributing motivations to community members ' speech behaviour have already been mentioned .
8 Farewell to war heroes ' airbase
9 The accounting for royalties by a music publisher , for a world-wide or territory-by-territory contract , is very similar to record companies ' methods .
10 Cutting auditors ' noses off to spite clients ' faces There are no cogent arguments for radically extending the regulation of auditors ' independence
11 State of Emergency declared in Northern Ireland due to tanker drivers ' action .
12 According to Envoy Systems ' Peter Krall , the group 's aim is to create awareness of computer-integrated telephony rather than to make standards .
13 Heads were asked to rate coordinators ' impact on their schools ' pursuit of the four PNP aims .
14 Maintaining contact with all Medau teachers , especially those in isolated areas , is my particular concern and I shall be happy to visit any area or negotiate on behalf of any teacher if you request it and I would like to be invited to area teachers ' meetings .
15 THE MEXICAN National Commission of Human Rights also replied to AI members ' letters which expressed concern about the use of torture in Mexico .
16 ( 9 ) In Stage 2 , schools are assisted in putting together their orders by the organisation of book displays at the county library and visits to library suppliers ' showrooms in London .
17 Trips to project exhibitions of library resources and visits to library suppliers ' showrooms were a revelation for some teachers as to the variety and sophistication of recent publications in their area of the curriculum .
18 In fact , most of the spending was completed upon a general visit to library booksellers ' warehouses in London , where thematic material was first selected , along with mostly paperback fiction , and the remainder spent in a fairly unstructured way until the money ran out .
19 The task will fall to the manager to persuade advice workers to attend race-awareness training in addition to popular updating in welfare benefits ; managers may have the task of explaining to management committee members why they now need training after so many years without it ; it will be the manager 's job to be attuned to advice workers ' weaknesses and tactfully point them to the relevant additional training ; the manager must find a balance in workers ' meetings between training , casework and group support .
20 At the Republican Convention last month George Bush expressed his concern about the whole question of liability in the US , and particularly about the amount of money trial lawyers make from suits that lead to doctors refusing to practise certain areas of medicine , and even to parents refusing to umpire childrens ' baseball games in case a child is injured and they are sued .
21 Amongst the activities of CONARLS the production of a report on the UK Fiction Reserves was very relevant to Lending Services ' work .
22 However , Article 130R(5) introduced by the Single European Act states that within their respective spheres of competence , the Community and the Member States shall co-operate with third countries and with the relevant international organizations , but then adds that this provision shall be without prejudice to Member States ' competence to negotiate in international bodies and to conclude international agreements .
23 and went to Nursery Nurses ' Association and they suggested I took charge of an evacuee centre for children .
24 Firstly , I used AppleShare to connect my Powerbook to Design Publications ' Quadra in Torquay .
25 According to Consort Hotels ' David Sankey , the EC Package Directive ( Package Travel , Package Holiday and Package Tour Regulations 1992 ) , which came into effect on April 1 ( Hospitality , April 1993 ) , is a reminder of the early days of VAT .
26 For example , the major criticism which parents made of social workers concerned their poor communications , lack of openness and honesty , failure to value parents ' strengths and to treat them as equals , and a failure to involve parents in decisions .
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