Example sentences of "to [be] [vb pp] [that] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And as she attended the first parade of the Princess of Wales 's Royal Regiment , she joked : ‘ It has to be said that for a 31-year-old woman to have 2,500 men under her command is quite a feat but I am sure I will rise to the occasion . ’
2 And as she attended the first parade of the Princess of Wales 's Royal Regiment , she joked : ‘ It has to be said that for a 31-year-old woman to have 2,500 men under her command is quite a feat but I am sure I will rise to the occasion . ’
3 While Morris , undeservedly , shoulders the blame , it has to be said that without him Orrell would be a middle-of-the-road side , well served up front but without , say , the authority of Bath , the likely champions , behind the scrum .
4 It has to be said that of the two the TriAxis appears initially the most intimidating , but doubtless Boogie would argue that if you want the features you 've got to learn how to use the machine .
5 It also needs to be recognized that in some authorities — particularly small district councils where there are fewer personnel , resources and programmes — much co-ordinating work occurs informally and the elaborate corporate structures advocated by Bains are perhaps less appropriate .
6 How far present-day societies are likely to proceed along this road is a matter of debate ( and I shall return to the question in Chapter 6 ) , but at the least it has to be recognized that in recent years the idea of political action has been very substantially broadened , so that there is already a quite widespread awareness of the variety of ways in which individuals and groups of individuals can assert their dissent from the policies of government at all levels ( for example , the revolt against the poll tax in Britain ) and bring into the arena of public debate alternative policies .
7 It is to be observed that by section 26 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 the maximum sentence for theft was reduced from ten to seven years .
8 It is to be observed that in the Bognor Regis case Browne J. did not consider whether his decision had any effect on the right to freedom of expression , doubtless because the point was not taken before him by the defendant , who appeared in person .
9 It scarcely needs to be observed that from the viewpoint of the defendant 's country these arguments are unacceptable .
10 Realistically , it has to be recognised that without some sort of consensus between the two largest players , the government and the ANC , about key points , the talks would have been doomed anyway .
11 But they need to be reassured that in all countries results from research tend to be indirect and to take time before they come to fruition .
12 In the seventh month of pregnancy , Alison Walker needed to be reassured that in the event of her baby 's premature arrival , she would be in good hands .
13 It has to be recorded that in spite of all his precautions he sometimes fails to make his getaway in time and the female eats him after all .
14 It is to be assumed that in normative development the child passes through this stage towards a more mature relationship and perception .
15 It is to be hoped that as a result of the guidance in the subsequent paragraphs most will be confined to the first two categories .
16 Extending the requirement for leave to appeal It was to be hoped that in the context of forthcoming legislation , consideration would be given to extending the requirement for leave to appeal across the board , both because there was no justification for allowing any appeal to proceed if it had no prospect of success and because the present dividing lines between those in which leave was required and those in which it was not , was quite illogical .
17 It is to be hoped that in the course of time the word ‘ fear ’ used in the context of the foregoing will be abandoned in favour of the word ‘ foreboding ’ , for the conscience , once properly developed should give warning rather than frighten , and therefore enable the individual to avoid that which could give rise to real fear .
18 It is to be hoped that in the light of the Cleveland Report 's comment that ‘ the child is a person and not an object of concern ’ ( Secretary of State for Social Services , 1988 , p.245 ) that urgent efforts will be made to ensure that the child 's views and perceptions of practice are articulated via sensitively designed research .
19 WHEN 20 representatives of the South African Cricket Union and the National Sports Congress sit down together in a Johannesburg hotel tonight it is to be hoped that among them is someone with the wisdom of Solomon .
20 But it is to be noticed that in our problem the telegraphing business was started not by B but by A. B may have sent his counter-offer by telegram simply out of politeness , and not because he was in any hurry .
21 It is to be noticed that in the Sixth Interim Report of the Law Revision Committee , paras .
22 It is also to be noted that under the Torts ( Interference with Goods ) Act 1977 a person such as a repairer , improver , valuer or storer has the right to sell uncollected goods .
23 It is to be noted that in the most recent quarter , although auction sales were 15% up on the previous quarter , the higher loss compared to last year reflects a $7 million drop in sales from the Acquavella deal , now a separate division within Sotheby 's although included in the accounts as part of their auction operations .
24 It is also to be noted that in all of the cases above the to infinitive expresses , not a particular happening , but something characteristic of the person referred to .
25 It needs to be emphasised that in marking intonation , only stressed syllables are marked ; this implies that intonation is carried entirely by the stressed syllables of a tone-unit and that the pitch of unstressed syllables is either predictable from that of stressed syllables or is of so little importance that it is not worth marking .
26 Clearly , the structure and mode of operation of mixed professional — paraprofessional teams will vary from one setting to another and it needs to be acknowledged that in a variety of situations it would be an inappropriate social service practice model .
27 It is salutary to be reminded that during its early years the processions of the newly created Salvation Army were often the subject of violent attack from other protesters , sometimes hooligan groups , who formed a counter-force called the Skeleton Army .
28 Solicitors will not need to be reminded that for them to continue to act despite a conflict of interest is a breach of their duty to the court .
29 Moreover , it should be an embarrassment to the hon. Gentlemen to be reminded that under the last Labour Government prices for domestic customers rose by 22 per cent .
30 It is salutary to be reminded that in many situations and many respects society is not simply divisible into two parts , the majority and the minority , but is in fact a conglomeration of minorities , none of which can have a democratic claim to dominate , and which must therefore learn to live with each other .
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