Example sentences of "to [conj] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although probably built as a row by some Victorian property magnate , all the houses were slightly different from the front and all had been built on to or extended differently at the back .
2 Such preservation will be most likely where particular programs were run to determine the structural stability or the environmental efficiency of a building or the individual or institution commissioning the structure had been asked to accept a particular design after a ‘ virtual visit to or walk around of ’ the planned building .
3 In a similar vein , Dr M in Department B said that the first year is concerned with ‘ settling in and acquiring practice , and acquiring a certain body of common reading which can then be appealed to or built on in subsequent years ’ .
4 If you want to subscribe , send a cheque for £35 , made payable to or look out for generous discounts in this issue of the magazine .
5 At approximately 30 K above the glass transition the modulus curve begins to flatten out into the plateau region C to D in the modulus interval 10 5 .7 ; to and extends up to about 420 K.
6 Contribute to and respond constructively in discussion or debate , advocating and justifying a particular point of view .
7 These views concern the fact that the singular particular things which we can point to and pick out with the words ‘ this ’ and ‘ that ’ , and to which we often give names , such as ‘ James ’ or ‘ John ’ , are not thought of as being merely particular .
8 These include meal times , evening , going to and getting up from bed .
9 Perhaps , with significant sums of money being brought in to and made out of Ireland , it is time the Irish government did something about encouraging native film makers .
10 But Wilson was afraid to and advanced instead towards the bed , thinking to offer a drink or make a compress for her forehead .
11 Me and Bill , he 's dead we had an ajax come through to and go on to Ireland , to go back to Dublin , yeah , they 're going back to with the plane .
12 Back along with the back to what you would call the sea crossing er to and get on to the Rousay pier then and get a dinghy or something and row across to Wyre .
13 If you wanted to go to Kirkwall you had to cross to the Rousay pier and then either hire a car or walk to and get across with Tom .
14 ‘ Damnation ’ now feels good that this small Year Niner has been ‘ Witnessed ’ to and moves on to his next victim .
15 After stabling our horses , my master muttered that he had business to attend to and wandered off to his chamber .
16 I would just like to say that I see this as an absolute benefit to and look forward to us working together in the future .
17 This led him to doubt whether authentic religious belief can properly be tied to and bound up with particular historical events .
18 Yeah , but I , I think the reason I feel a bit bitter about it is living round here , you see all the dirties and the scruffies , you get annoyed , absolute no order , they 've crawled into the system right up to and doing openly in front of you
19 Beyond the glass there was a sporadically placed ring of guards and dogs who seemed uncertain as to whether to stare back at the distorted press of faces at the glass panes , or whether to watch instead the spiral column of smoke and the flames that played at its heels .
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