Example sentences of "to [conj] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The reading can therefore pay attention to or ignore this movement in the novel .
2 Act of Parliament designed to grant relief to or to confer some form of privilege on a private individual or corporation ( ‘ of all kinds and classes of bill … without exception the most unreasonable in its charges ’ , MC 27 ) .
3 Two very different types of plant are the giant redwood trees which can be up to or exceeding 100 metres in height and one celled algae in water .
4 The Trust deed precludes the trustees from investing any part of the trust assets in securities of the Company or in lending to or guaranteeing any loans made to the Company .
5 The other emerging trend is to provide PC-based systems which can either contribute to or make actual use of the documents produced on the main system .
6 No question of a minor consenting to or refusing medical treatment arises unless and until a medical or dental practitioner advises such treatment and is willing to undertake it .
7 ‘ ( a ) relating to or having any connection with the 1987 year end audit of Atlantic … and the production of the audited accounts for Atlantic … including any material relating to its subsidiaries ; ( b ) which relate to or have any connection with the acquisition by [ B. & C. ] of Atlantic … including but not limited to the working capital review conducted by [ the appellants ] and the production of a working capital letter ; ( c ) which relate to or have any connection with the 1988 year end audit of Atlantic … and the production of the audited accounts for Atlantic … including any material relating to its subsidiaries .
8 Indeed , the story of Italian economic policy in the seventies is largely one of attempts to adapt to or reverse this shift .
9 Setting aside land adjacent to or linking existing areas of high quality habitat , 20 metres wide .
10 ‘ ( a ) relating to or having any connection with the 1987 year end audit of Atlantic … and the production of the audited accounts for Atlantic … including any material relating to its subsidiaries ; ( b ) which relate to or have any connection with the acquisition by [ B. & C. ] of Atlantic … including but not limited to the working capital review conducted by [ the appellants ] and the production of a working capital letter ; ( c ) which relate to or have any connection with the 1988 year end audit of Atlantic … and the production of the audited accounts for Atlantic … including any material relating to its subsidiaries .
11 ‘ ( a ) relating to or having any connection with the 1987 year end audit of Atlantic … and the production of the audited accounts for Atlantic … including any material relating to its subsidiaries ; ( b ) which relate to or have any connection with the acquisition by [ B. & C. ] of Atlantic … including but not limited to the working capital review conducted by [ the appellants ] and the production of a working capital letter ; ( c ) which relate to or have any connection with the 1988 year end audit of Atlantic … and the production of the audited accounts for Atlantic … including any material relating to its subsidiaries .
12 It is important to realize that the scope of a scheme which apparently focuses on a relatively narrow area may be quite wide by the time all fringe topics ( which are relevant to or have some impact upon the core area ) have been noted .
13 Hence questions about what social processes gave rise to or maintained such differences were never asked .
14 mm , is there any body here who 's had cosmetic plastic surgery , who , who 'd wants to or has any views on it , up there , yes .
15 While Comrie goes on to add that this particular phenomenon is relatively rare , it is nevertheless suggestive , fitting a broader pattern in which grammatical distinctions map on to and express social ones .
16 Surely this should be an opportunity for giving serious consideration to and providing serious answers on this major issue .
17 From this it is hoped that our loyal readership will pass in comments to correct , add to and refine this listing so that a more major work can be published within these pages in the future .
18 In order to establish the appropriate conditioned responses ( or expectancies ) during the first stage of training , the subjects would have to attend to and discriminate those features that distinguish A from C and those that distinguish B from C. Any plausible mechanism capable of allowing a subject to do this would also endow the subject with an enhanced ability to discriminate between A and B because it would involve the animal in coming to respond to the distinctive features of each of the three stimuli .
19 After years of listening to and reading Anglo-Saxon women letting it all hang out , it was refreshing to be among women who so rigorously kept it all in .
20 Thus , although NCp7 can bind to and protect proviral DNA from nuclease digestion , it does not inhibit the IN cleavage reaction .
21 We have examined the binding of NCp7 to single and double stranded DNA and the ability of NCp7 to bind to and protect viral DNA fragments from endonuclease digestion and 5'-dephosphorylation .
22 Based on the teaching of Jesus about confessing faults one to the other , each brother chose another and they confessed to and directed each other .
23 Neither a system of documentation nor a local bridging arrangement can change the national requirement but both have the opportunity to adjust to and to accommodate local preferences , strengths and developments of the curriculum .
24 If I can go to and get two pounds of
25 I mean we can always go back to places like the linguistics department or or any department on on campus , We can always go back to and get more recordings later .
26 Women 's power lies in conforming to and consolidating these statuses .
27 To write off the ideas and conclusions which one has reached in order to allow an accommodation with other people 's expectations may mean getting rid of a conclusion which the manager had reached after listening to and observing other people 's experience .
28 These are problems which it is a major responsibility of government to face up to and adopt sensitive policies to foster social cohesion without denying people the right to their own culture and way of life .
29 Almost impossible to control this initially welcome addition to the aquarium soon becomes a nightmare causing mayhem by settling close to and attacking other invertebrates .
30 We have a limited understanding of the way people listen to and enjoy various kinds of music , and how we ‘ read ’ it with the ears .
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