Example sentences of "to [pron] [pron] be be " in BNC.

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1 I remember someone — the school cleaner , I think — telling me how dreadful this omission was , and how I recognised the mixture of shock and pity in her voice without being able to separate the two , or understand to whom they were being allocated and why .
2 Like the cab driver , it can be useful to assess your particular balance of needs and consider the extent to which they are being satisfied .
3 As a result , from the end of the seventeenth century onwards both Houses increasingly demanded to be informed about the negotiations with foreign States which made necessary the taxation and borrowing to which they were being asked to agree .
4 Pastiche is , like parody , the imitation of a peculiar or unique style , the wearing of a stylistic mask , speech in a dead language : but it is a neutral practice of mimicry , without parody 's ulterior motive , without the satirical impulse , without laughter , without that still latent feeling that there exists something normal compared to which what is being imitated is rather comic .
5 They need to blend as well ; it is no good using a herb whose taste contradicts that of the dish to which it is being added .
6 The extent to which it is being seriously addressed throughout the sector is less clear .
7 English law has tended to confine narrowly the situations in which a mistake is held to negative the consent apparently given by the woman : only where the victim was made to believe that the man was her husband , or that the act to which she was being asked to consent was not sexual intercourse , is the mistake sufficiently fundamental to convert the apparently consensual sex into rape .
8 Then , as to the doubtful ‘ shell ’ of the question , if you still have time to write on the question , you should expressly point out the doubt in your mind as to what you are being asked , and proceed to write on the doubtful part of the question for the rest of the allotted time .
9 It should be within the competence of everyone of moderate ability who has worked properly and who directs his mind to what he is being asked .
10 I did not see why he should have piano lessons when I was told I was too young ; so I hid behind the curtains and listened to what he was being taught .
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