Example sentences of "to [pron] [prep] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The old man spoke to them without looking round , and with surprising authority in his voice .
2 Apparently they like having things explained to them without understanding either the explanation or even what an explanation is .
3 This is probably the case since children do things the way that feels natural to them without worrying unduly how it is meant to be done .
4 The train puffed to a stop ; only five passengers alighted , and the only male among them a tall young man , his hair so fair that from a distance it appeared almost white , waved to them before turning back to the carriage and lifting out a case .
5 Incidentally , their researchers responded to my report to them by explaining away my reactions as being due to ‘ travel and change of climate , day time , and sleep patterns ’ .
6 I happen to like at least some pictures by Mondrian : you may respond to them by asking why anyone should get paid for drawing coloured squares .
7 That period of his life also freed him for his experiments in other kinds of theatre which , although he never reverted to them after taking on his Stuttgart responsibilities , enriched his subsequent work .
8 But she had insisted , and although the room was warm , and the kitchen stove had already been made up for the night , I had gone — yet it was a strange experience to me , and rather a frightening one , to have been persuaded by someone near to me into doing even so small a thing I felt to be hazardous . )
9 He 's never said anything to me about moving away from Cliff Top — ’
10 He did n't say anything to me about renting out his house .
11 ‘ So you have come to me after fighting so much ! ’ continues Guruji , smiling .
12 Boosted by the appearance of an extra vocalist , who immediately endears herself to everyone by shutting out MC Wayne , ‘ Omega Amigo ’ , ‘ Pro-Gen ’ and ‘ Hyperreal ’ become more ecstatic and lavish than ever — three glistening glimpses of what the future may bring .
13 Boosted by the appearance of an extra vocalist , who immediately endears herself to everyone by shutting out MC Wayne , ‘ Omega Amigo ’ , ‘ Pro-Gen ’ and ‘ Hyperreal ’ become more ecstatic and lavish than ever — three glistening glimpses of what the future may bring .
14 After this he can carry any other vector parallel to itself by travelling along a geodesic and keeping the local vector at a constant angle to the geodesic .
15 ‘ You know that I nearly broke my word to you about drinking just now , McAllister . ’
16 They publish useful leaflets and information , and will be happy to talk to you about going back to work .
17 ‘ Has Philippe Maurin spoken to you about finding somewhere else to live ? ’
18 Excuse me for that er actually erm and I am grateful to you for pointing out really an area which is always going to cause erm a degree of difficulty .
19 ‘ Good luck to you for speaking up ! ’ someone cried .
20 One of the best resources you can use is a good listener who will allow you to verbalise your doubts and fears aloud and who is capable of listening to you without pressing home their own agenda .
21 So I came here to return the jade to you before going home . ’
22 Then with great clarity and anguish he remembered the moment when Westerman had put his question about a moral lead from the press , and instead of answering at once the idea had come to him of leaning forward and judiciously stubbing out his cigarette .
23 In any case , with the dismissal of the ecologist Jose Lutzenberger as Minister of Environment just before the summit and with the hesitations of George Bush over the electoral advantage to him of appearing here , it seems that the Earth Summit may not quite turn out to be the intended PR success for the western approach to planetary salvation .
24 One has to be grateful to him for intervening personally .
25 My hon. Friend has made the point clearly and I am grateful to him for doing so , in view of which I do not think a debate is necessary .
26 I said to him about holding back not giving us our quota I said they can see we 're not doing now . .
27 We might feel tempted to say that Wittgenstein 's account may be true of sensations ; but that there is no such thing as a sensation of blue , and so there is no reason why a private linguist could not start by naming the way things look to him before moving on to the more difficult talk of the way things actually are .
28 On the same day that Bathsheba arrived home , Mr Boldwood went to apologize to her for speaking so violently the last time he had seen her .
29 What was he going to do to her for running away ?
30 you know exactly which brand you want , you go right to it without dithering around
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