Example sentences of "to [pron] that [pron] had " in BNC.

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31 Kate remembered all that , and then she said to herself that she had been meant to remember it .
32 If she found it stretching credulity that a meeting between them was n't inevitable she 'd always fiercely denied to herself that she had any interest in seeing him again , so why should she be feeling so shivery and hot , almost as if she had a fever ?
33 She was trying hard to deny to herself that she had any feelings for him .
34 He was across the road and halfway back down Fleet Street before it occurred to him that they had been staring at him like that because they thought he was trying to push in at the head of the queue .
35 And yet , in her case , it did not appear to him that she had been struck down by any kind of ordinary post-natal depression , as Adams 's next words seemed to confirm .
36 It occurred to him that she had always bathed in private — the door locked against him .
37 When I saw his blue eyes open wide in surprise , I felt very sorry I had lied , and that evening , as soon as I found Joe alone for a moment , I confessed to him that I had lied about my visit to Miss Havisham .
38 I had hinted to him that I had been engaged on a paper to be called ‘ Enslavement by Capital ’ , a title adapted from one employed by Ezra Pound in a Criterion article called more characteristically , ‘ Murder by Capital ’ .
39 It seemed to him that he had intercepted some secret communication between them .
40 It occurred to him that he had not worn his best clothes for many weeks ; not since that confusing afternoon when some of Buddie 's friends had rushed through the house carrying boxes , cases and sacks that must not be discovered when the police came to search the place .
41 It was always important to him that he had a voice and it was difficult to work with him , ’ says Gregory .
42 Her first reaction to her baby 's birth had been to cable to him that he had a son .
43 It seemed to him that he had come so far in discovering so much about his problem but was unable to bring about any substantial change .
44 It occurred to him that he had reached the age when a man looks forward to his pleasures less keenly than in youth but is disproportionately aggrieved when his plans are upset .
45 She was so near to him that he had to close his eyes .
46 He followed them home with something of the elation of a successful spy , and when he eagerly observed Clare 's final self-abandonment in the porch it seemed to him that he had obtained some immensely pleasurable secret .
47 In the instant before his failure to reply became conspicuous , it occurred to him that he had never met anybody whose natural gaze was so wide-eyed and unblinking , so direct yet unrevealing .
48 Is it not the case that the right hon. Gentleman 's delay in coming to the House to announce his decision is because , when he looked at the facts , he was minded to reject the application but was told by the puppet master sitting next to him that he had to make a political decision ?
49 He remained in detention during the rebellion but stated in a letter published in the press that he had been responsible for it , a claim which was interpreted more as a dramatic personal gesture than a statement of fact ; earlier reports stated that the rebellion had been such a surprise to him that he had requested a pistol in order to shoot himself .
50 There , a former customer of the plaintiffs gave evidence that he had met the defendant in the street and mentioned to him that he had heard he had set up his own business and wanted the defendant to cut him a suit .
51 My Lord the er plaintiff 's case is that as a result of the advice that he was given by Mr er it was clear to him that he had no way out of this contract , that he was committed to it and that he had no choice but to proceed with the matter and there was then er further discussion on the telephone on this day , Friday , between Mr and Mr to where they were going here and Mr said he would now write to the plaintiff setting out what his options were to him and the letter than was sent by Mr was dated the twenty second of October and the letter , the relevant terms of this letter are set out in a statement of claim expressing at paragraph three eleven of this statement saying and of course er that is admitted by the er defendant .
52 ‘ In Gloucestershire at their kennels and smallholding ? ’ he questioned , causing her to warm to him that he had remembered so much .
53 It occurred to him that he had n't eaten .
54 And it occurred to him that it had almost always been like that : he the serious and thoughtful one , and the one he loved mostly careless and unconcerned .
55 His first impression was that somebody had started to construct a small harbour , but then he saw a shallow groove cut in the face of the cliff which must at one time have accommodated a pipe , and it occurred to him that it had probably been a sewage outfall .
56 If that was true , it occurred to her that he had n't really believed what she had told him tonight , but whether he did nor not , it did n't alter the central fact that they were never going to be lovers .
57 Megan claimed to be standing on her own two feet , but J. Graham Jones , of Aberystwyth , says LG confided to her that he had caused a hint to be given , if her opponent behaved himself after the vote , that he would help him find a seat to fight .
58 As Agnes hurried down the street it came to her that it had been tactless of her to talk about life being dull and with no bright future ; for had they any bright future ?
59 Bathed in the bright sun of Italy and glittering with social and commercial success , it seemed to her that it had always been menaced by dark shadows , many of which , Constance sometimes thought , had sprung up almost to punish her for leaving this remote area so early in her adult life .
60 After the ceremony , she and Ludovico went to Chiesa Santo Spirito , at the end of their road , where Ludovico had arranged for them to be blessed , explaining to her that it had no religious significance and did not endanger her non-Catholic soul .
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