Example sentences of "to [art] [noun prp] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Their entry to the EC expanded its population by over 60 million people .
2 It was already nearly six o'clock , and I would n't be able to find a one-hour photo lab open anywhere that evening ; and I had to return to the Sheraton to collect my bag , and be back on the train by seven-thirty or soon after .
3 Presentation Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple to present him to God as required by Jewish law ( Exodus 13:1–16 ) .
4 Once in to the BIOS setup you will find it very easy to follow the instructions to change the system clock and so put the time right once and for all — but be careful not to change anything else !
5 ‘ Of course I 'll come back to the Dordogne to see you , ’ Jenna promised , knowing as she said it that she could never face Alain again .
6 Traditionally they had looked to the Reich to trade their lumber , wheat , furs and amber , and they had every intention of continuing to do so in order to spite the Polish state .
7 It 's up to the RFU to make it worth their while .
8 Everyone from Sir Freddie Laker to the CAA warned him it was likely , and Branson had taken what measures he could to prevent it happening .
9 But undeterred by background or family opinion , I 'd written to the BBC to let them know of my ambitions to be a broadcaster — and was dismissed without benefit of an interview .
10 I have written to the BBC asking them to reconsider and do a third series .
11 With supporters opposed to the Douglas braggarts he set off towards Tantallon castle , where Angus had precipitately fled on learning that the king was loose and in vengeful mood .
12 If I use the DIR command on the problem directory there are no files listed but in response to the RD command I get the message : Invalid path , not directory , or directory not empty
13 The Liverpool manager refuses to allow the sentiment surrounding his friend and predecessor 's return to the Kop to cloud his pursuit of three vital Premier League points .
14 Understanding British Industry ( UBI ) has recently contracted to the DTI to manage its pilot Teacher Secondment Programme , but has long been active iii the field and produces regular publications .
15 More than 35,000 had fled Haiti since the coup but only 9,000 had been admitted to the USA to have their cases further examined .
16 Third-World countries appealed to the USA to reconsider its stand , saying that unless it did so , countries which had not signed the Montreal protocol would be unable to do so , rendering efforts to save the ozone layer fruitless .
17 Among those deported was a woman who , accompanied by her young child , fled to the UK to join her sister , Ljubitza Kendall , who lives in Leicestershire .
18 Assistance is being provided from the UK in three specific areas : support for the fledgling actuarial education systems in these countries , arranging visits for actuaries from Eastern Europe to the UK to study our methods in practice and the secondment of UK actuaries to work in the countries concerned .
19 He felt that there would be too little control over quality and points to the US to back his case .
20 ‘ What is new in the book is that we 've produced surviving British intelligence officers of senior rank who make it clear that Popov had this information and was specifically sent to the US to impart it . ’
21 But as European and Japanese business turned their attention to the US market their relatively low wage costs allowed them to make substantial inroads .
22 However , many callers to the NME claim they have been ‘ fobbed off ’ with ‘ insulting ’ letters stating that the original tickets , rather than photocopies or credit card receipts , were required for the exchange .
23 For left Paddington he certainly had , at some point , after ringing through to The Randolph to explain his delayed departure .
24 Conflict has also led to the UGT pursuing its own parallel negotiations with management , at times outside the formal negotiating structure .
25 As we listen to the Geiger counters we shall hear a succession of clicks .
26 but er , er as I say while I was round there the new town was , was all built and er I found , we found such a difference cos I used to have to go into Old Harlow shopping , I used to cycle before I was handicapped like this , I used to cycle everywhere , and er I went , you used to have to queue up in Old Harlow for the shops , we had n't got anything here at all , no Stow or anything when I first , I mean when I came here nothing , it was just terrible terrible lane up here it was and all these were all ploughed fields and it was really terrible and I had erm , I used to have to cycle into the doctors Old Harlow , queue up , queue up at the butchers , queue up everywhere you had to queue and er , till they built this er the new , The Stow then we used to go to The Stow shopping you know which made such a difference , but er , during my say during my lifetime I 've so , so pleased when the new town came because I wanted to move back to Nazeing where I came from when I first got here because it was such a terrible place there was nothing doing whatever , you know and then I moved erm , as I say after I got round the front there it was more , better really , you know , with all the er traffic and that you could see people going by and that as otherwise it , it was monotonous really in Common Fields , you did n't see much at all there , but you know it was , I quite enjoyed it really , now what else have I got to tell you ?
27 Erm I went to ca , you know I went to the Levi to get my jacket , really horrible quality .
28 That filmmakers did n't feel hamstrung by the need to defer to the MOI reflects their own desire to ‘ do their bit ’ .
29 In response to the R.H.A. plans our branch has held a very well attended open meeting at which local obstetricians and a member of the Community Health Councils spoke .
30 Once or twice she re-issued her invitation to the Carrows to visit them at Four Winds , but it seemed that there were always perfectly valid reasons why they could not accept .
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