Example sentences of "to [art] [noun sg] he have " in BNC.

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1 For Frith has given the fox and the weasel cunning hearts and sharp teeth and to the cat he has given silent feet and eyes that can see in the dark and they are gone away from Frith 's place to kill and devour all that belongs to El-ahrairah . "
2 Then she convinced him he was to say no more about leaving and get back to the story he had been working on when the row blew up .
3 Dragging him away from the house at Harlaching had been like drawing teeth , and on the drive to the airfield he had stopped the car to pick wild flowers , in the name of God !
4 She moved so fast to the door he had no time for even one step .
5 Howe , of Glebe Road , Great Stainton , near Sedgefield , admitted criminal damage to the taxi he had tried to smash the windscreen and break the meter with his fist .
6 He reflected gloomily on the price of his ambition , because he had gone out on a limb to persuade a mistrustful and increasingly hostile Kenamun to consent to the operation he had mounted , and then he had only achieved it by linking Surere to the serial killings .
7 He was a keen student of the scriptures , particularly the Book of Revelations , and while meditating in his Calabrian retreat on the mystery of the Trinity and how it related to the time-process he had moments of intense spiritual illumination that led him to formulate a new millenarian philosophy of history .
8 It is tempting to think that one of these robbed tombs may have been that of Imhotep , buried near to the king he had served .
9 And yet she had felt something , some quick negative flicker at his casual reference to the promise he had made Emily , just as she had felt that uneasy dart inside her when she had caught sight of them earlier , coming up the path together .
10 No other man had ever managed even to light a spark within her , yet he had set her body aflame , and it had taken every ounce of will-power she possessed not to give in to the longing he 'd unleashed .
11 There was no clear path , she was just winding through trees and keeping as close as she could to the direction he had shown .
12 He reassured everyone that it would make no difference to the course he had set for himself .
13 The generosity of a Kettering shoe-manufacturer , Thomas Gotch , enabled him to study French and Dutch to add to the Greek he had already mastered .
14 Look at that , right up to the elbow he 's got that finger up his nose .
15 Perhaps it was just due to the way he 'd been sleeping lately , a restless , shallow sleep full of dreams which never seemed to work themselves out properly , leaving him half-enmeshed in their elaborate complexities even after waking .
16 ‘ I see it now — it 's that stupid young fool 's idea of a joke , to pay me out for objecting to the way he 's been behaving towards Rose !
17 A year later to the day he had proposed to her at the same table .
18 Then he lost to the man he had beaten the year earlier , the incredible , cool Steve Davis .
19 As for that other one , which was how he now alluded to the daughter he had always doted on , she was in her room and there she would stay until she saw sense .
20 Timothy Harris admitted to the court he had been jealous of the pretty teenager 's friendship with other young men and he was desperate to have sex with her .
21 Oldfield refused even to speak to the person he had once idolised .
22 ‘ Perhaps Martin Edwards will admit that he has made a mistake selling to the person he has done and the way in which he has sold it .
23 On their last visit to the Megabowl he had hurled his projectile directly at the fruit machines .
24 In those few minutes she 'd simply been reacting to the mood he 'd created so skilfully .
25 Fourteen words went down before he stopped , hand slackening , thoughts dipping back to the girl he had seen late last night in the coffee bar .
26 What had happened to the girl he had fallen in love with ?
27 He referred to the help he had received for his humble efforts during the year of his mayoralty ( 1811 ) .
28 In the book , John pays tribute to the help he had from RAF Lyneham psychiatrist , Gordon Turnbull .
29 Commenting on Mr Hutchison 's decision Professor Raymond Miquel the Council Chairman said they would be sorry to see him go and paid tribute to the contribution he had made to Scottish sport over the past 26 years .
30 Wilson felt obliged to pay his respects to the tradition he had inherited , and then moved on .
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