Example sentences of "to [art] [noun] 's [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The disaffected Vicar 's warden had been on the phone to the Archdeacon 's secretary by five-thirty on Friday evening .
2 Although supporting the Act at the time of its enactment , the Labour Party 's education spokesman , Neil Kinnock , highlighted lack of resources as likely to be the major impediment to the legislation 's success .
3 There was no seat for Larry , so he started the trip by being strapped to the barber 's chair — the mid-upper gunner 's chair .
4 The result , according to the NSTA 's Bill Aldridge , is that fifty per cent of new science and maths teachers in elementary and secondary schools are unqualified in those subjects .
5 When she got home , she answered an advertisement in the parish magazine for a baby minder ( how simple ; why had she not thought of it before — she was at home minding Charlotte anyway , so why not several more ? ) and offered herself to the Vicar 's wife for parish duties .
6 Soon Diana and Mary would leave Moor House to return to the wealthy families in the south , where they were both governesses , and St John would go back to the vicar 's house in Morton , with Hannah , his housekeeper .
7 ‘ You 're to go at once to the vicar 's study , ’ she announced .
8 After the ceremony the bridal couple rushed to the photographer 's studio to have their portrait taken , before joining their guests who were waiting for the wedding meal .
9 He applied cold poultices to the sufferer 's forehead , which sent him into a coma .
10 Goldner toyed with the offer , but decided to stay on at the Getty after negotiating a new contract that allowed him to remain in his hometown of New York most of the year ( with short stays in Malibu ) , in effect managing and adding to the Getty 's collection in absentia .
11 The ace cyclist went along to the Glover 's Lane Surgery in Netherton to start a week of Health Promotion events .
12 Rick tried to ensure their involvement by inviting each of them to contribute one unit of activities to the year 's scheme of work .
13 Once when we were both contributing to The Year 's Work in English Studies ( he on Renaissance drama ) , I met him in the library and expressed anxiety about the deadline .
14 We have enjoyed the loyal and industrious support of our employees throughout and I thank them for their individual contributions to the year 's achievements . ’
15 The show was timely in another respect , for it added a definite European feel to the year 's events .
16 The afternoon had been declared a local holiday , as everyone knew , and it would be a fitting finale to the year 's thoroughbred racing programme at Assiniboia Downs .
17 When you pick up a round stone now , walk to the dinosaur 's back and you 'll automatically go up and put a piece of roof on .
18 NICHOLAS Baring ( above ) , chairman of Commercial Union , told the annual meeting yesterday there had been minimal disturbance to the insurer 's services following the IRA bomb last Friday .
19 Many of these prints have shifted subtly in colour or tonality , in ways more apparent to the lithographer 's camera than to our own eyes .
20 They will be useless to the drafter 's client unless they are explained .
21 The Major eased himself out of the saddle , slid heavily to the ground , and tied his horse to the inn 's signpost .
22 He cleaned my clubs and shoes and returned them to the Inn 's store room ready for the next round of golf .
23 supplies the feed , chicks , veterinary advice and transportation to the processor 's plant .
24 For the adult , it no longer provokes much help , since there is little mutual aid between adult felines , but where pet cats are involved it can , of course , act as a useful signal to the cat 's pseudo-parents — its human owners — who may then , like surrogate mother cats , come to its rescue .
25 yeah , that 's the core but it needs fleshing out more and a has agreed that you know it 's if you just stuck to the Editor 's Handbook it 's too narrow and it does need , I mean B A I E in London thus far are being extremely helpful if slightly cautious and I 've to go down and talk to the revamped education committee when the revamped education committee gets around to having a meeting
26 It will of course be published in SHE , subject to the Editor 's approval .
27 Quelch resigned from the editorship in 1889 in order to work full-time for the New Unionism , but returned to the editor 's chair in 1891 and remained editor until his death .
28 I shall be on maternity leave from the end of December and plan to return to the editor 's chair in the summer .
29 She strode back to the editor 's room and slumped down in a chair .
30 She 's converted me quite , to the Feminist 's cause . ’
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