Example sentences of "to [art] [adj] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Though applied to others of a given authority or holiness , it refers principally to one of the most influential personages in Ashkenazi ( eastern European ) Judaism , who followed the Palestinian traditions ( as opposed to the Babylonian ones represented in its version of the Talmud ) : Israel ben Eliezer ( Leonard 's spiritual forebear , after whom he was named ) — an 18th century Pole , the founder of the Hasidic movement ; one whose religious awareness was very close to that which inspired Leonard , his mother and his grandfather Klinitsky-Klein .
2 These students then proceed to the five-year course outlined in the Table .
3 He predicted the EC could be entering a period where the annual price negotiations assumed less importance in the farming year and the procedure moved closer to the five-year system applied in the US .
4 Although they were held in the shadow of the assassinations of President Ranasinghe Premadasa and an opposition leader , Lalith Athulathmudali , and in sharp contrast to the provincial elections held in 1988 , not a gun was fired .
5 The academic who describes himself at cocktail parties with the words ‘ I am a physicist ’ or ‘ I am a historian ’ is saying something about his self-perception ( essentially a researcher , not a teacher ) ; but is also saying that he subscribes to the disciplinary code imposed on its practitioners .
6 Much of the success in restoring aid flows was attributed to the debt-reduction scheme proposed in March 1989 by the US Treasury Secretary , James Brady [ see pp. 36541-42 ; 37016-17 ] .
7 An ex-Marxian socialist in post-war Oxford , he was to avow as late as 1957 , in an address to the Fabian Society called Socialism and the Intellectuals , that he had voted Labour in every election since 1945 , and ‘ unless something very unexpected happens , I shall vote Labour to the end of my days — however depraved the Labour candidate may be , and however virtuous his opponent . ’
8 Distances refer to the stereotactic space defined by Talairach and Tournoux .
9 Stereotactic coordinates refer to the maximal activation indicated by the highest Z score in a particular cerebral structure .
10 Lawler ( 1986 ) argues that there are around 200 ‘ new design plants ’ in American companies adopting harmonized skills-based payment systems , self-managing teams and fiat management hierarchies — an approach similar to the high-performance strategy developed by Digital .
11 Even the government 's limited plans for post-war intervention aroused their opposition and they were far more opposed to the far-reaching controls advocated by Beveridge .
12 So for large jumps in yield , the quadratic approximation to the present-value profile given by ( 5.55 ) is preferred .
13 The label also turns a blind eye to the live tapes released by the band .
14 In order to excavate the site itself , a new road had been built and a viaduct constructed to carry it across the valley before it climbed through the wooded hillside to the rocky crag chosen for the location of the church which formed the heart of the project .
15 Thus the first two years of this course are as described in previous course with the addition of language units appropriate to the European university chosen .
16 Most analysts had been expecting a more gradual approach to the complex rationalisation required by the Zeneca split and the recession 's effects on trading .
17 The delay is due to the complex documentation required , X/Open claims , saying that it wants to make a big splash for XPG4 , now scheduled for the Autumn .
18 These reverse transcription-amplification ( RT-PCR ) analyses indicated that the posterior lobe of the pituitary was the most enriched bovine neuroendocrine source of mRNA homologous to the genomic sequence determined in λ GGFBG1 ; consequently , a set of five overlapping PCR products were cloned and sequenced .
19 I REFER to the slanderous reports aimed at the leader of the Opposition that is , supposed collusion with the Communists .
20 I want now to turn to the reforming efforts made by feminists , first in the domain of the lexicon ( and the dictionary , which is the ‘ official record ’ of the lexicon ) and then in the domain of grammar .
21 ( Please refer to the shortened version circulated for the last meeting ) .
22 From these results , it would appear that the younger children were not able to pick up the linguistic cues to the deductive/empirical distinction contained in the experimenter 's questions .
23 There are many different varieties and , sizes between the species vary from about three inches for the Pakistani Butterflyfish ( Chaetodon collaris ) to the twelve inches reached by the Lined Butterflyfish ( Chaetodon lineolatus ) .
24 The three sets which have not been to the Joint Committee come under the negative procedure and are consequential upon the main affirmative orders .
25 The ICJ also sought to clarify the demands made of Libya in Resolution 731 by referring back ( as did Resolution 748 ) to the joint declaration issued on Nov. 27 , 1991 , by the UK and US governments .
26 According to the joint letter issued by President Mitterrand and Chancellor Kohl before the second Rome summit in December 1990 , the idea seems to be that this power might rest with the Council of Ministers .
27 In Japan there are negative correlations with per cent of research and with production involvement in design , which may relate to the tentative hypothesis offered about the negative correlations with technical success .
28 The continuing deadlock in the Iran-Iraq peace efforts , which were largely conducted through UN mediation , was due to the intransigent positions taken by the two sides .
29 Over a period of three hundred years , black people have achieved a growing presence in sport in Britain yet it seems pathetic that we have no account for it apart from reference to the mysterious attribute called natural ability .
30 We also conclude that CREM is only present at very low levels ( it might correspond to the weak band observed in figure 4C lane 2 ) or is not expressed at all in UF9 cells .
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