Example sentences of "to [adj] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Farther south , in Fiordland , it is possible to fly yourself in to that spectacular airfield I already mentioned , at Milford Haven , but to fly in as pilot in command you must first be cleared by an instructor .
2 Too bad Henry Phipps happened to mention your father 's debts to that chinless wonder you had on the string .
3 One of his strange exploits among other frolics , was having a coffin made of copper ( which one of his mines had that year produced ) , and placed in the great hall , and instead of his making use of it as a monitor that might have made him ashamed and terrified at his past life , and induce him to make amends in future , it was filled with punch , and he and his comrades soon made themselves incapable of any sort of reflection ; this was often repeated , and hurried him on to that awful moment he had so much reason to dread .
4 ‘ The lady I spoke to that first time I rang up .
5 I sometimes think back to that first talk I did in Mr Taylor 's class , and how scared I was .
6 I 'm going to try to get to that one George I 'll let you know
7 ‘ I am referring to that foolish note you wrote me , ’ Theda said , winding her hair into a plait as she spoke , her voice deliberately cool over the tremors inside her .
8 ‘ I really do n't much care , ’ she snapped , ‘ about what appeals or does not appeal to that obnoxious mire you call a mind .
9 As our defence systems against pathogens improve , so does the adaptability of the pathogens to each new environment we provide , a point which is amply illustrated by the emergence of apparently ‘ new ’ diseases such as Legionnaire 's disease , myalgic encephalomyelitis , ( postviral fatigue syndrome ) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome ( AIDS ) .
10 Sharir had served in the Cabinet from 1981 to 1988 , and according to Israeli political commentators he nursed a grudge against Shamir for not including him in his last Cabinet .
11 In attempting to apply this reasoning to British general practice I shall use some of the field-data collected by Jim McIntosh and myself ( Horobin and McIntosh 1977 ) but I shall also be trying to apply a sociological perspective to the mundane background knowledge which we all possess as societal members .
12 It 's a possibility that it 's related to some existing thought you 'd had .
13 as if conforming to some prearranged ceremony they grouped themselves into a semicircle with Alex Mair a little to the front , like a formal welcoming party but one bracing itself for trouble rather than expecting pleasure from the approaching guest .
14 What made it worse was that the infection was traced to some undercooked meat she 'd eaten in England .
15 Marshall , according to some discreet enquiries he had made , was innocent of trespass — of any kind .
16 Over both his superiors to some small extent he wielded a moral advantage ; on the Army List , he was Falkenhayn 's senior and had been his immediate predecessor in command of the 4th Guard Regiment ; and just before the war he had been the Crown Prince 's mentor in tactics and strategy .
17 In response to some implied criticism I made of his treatment of the sub-editor , Porua regarded me in a sneering silence and then said , ‘ Why should I have regard for my fellows ?
18 ( According to some opposition-inspired reports he had fled the country and was in hiding , while according to others he was merely on a business trip . )
19 For if it relates to the BBC per se then it conveniently overlooks its seedier and more questionable aspects , whilst if it relates to some imaginary institution it ignores the real pressures on institutions which make them somehow less ideal than one would desire .
20 If I was n't able to admit it to some old woman I 'd never see again and who did n't matter a scrap to me , how was I going to face it out for the rest of my life ?
21 But he is going to take me some day this week to some lovely woods he knows .
22 The films were inevitably foreign and subtitled , and even if we did n't understand them it was as though through exposure to some cinematic photosynthesis we would absorb the esoteric and become all the better intellectually for it .
23 In fact , the farmer was so mean to this young man he determined to exact revenge .
24 ‘ I do n't know what sort of a game you 're playing here but unless you tell me exactly why you 've had me drive all the way down to this God-forsaken place I 'm going straight back through that door ! ’
25 On a visit to this historic church you will see a magnificent Romanesque nave , a Norman font with medieval cover , rare wall paintings of the 14th century , the gilded alabaster tomb of Sir Anthony Browne to whom Henry VIII granted the Abbey , Crusaders ’ crosses carved by sword and the Senlac Commemorative Window .
26 ‘ My dear , since we first came to this terrible place you are the only person to show me true consideration . ’
27 We said very little — simply worked together , sweating , sniffing , aware of each other bent in crazy service to this marvellous beast she 'd roused .
28 Becoming very attached to this curious animal he took it on extensive travels until its death .
29 In view of the approach taken by the courts to this implied term it is probably fair to regard it as imposing on the seller a separate obligation to pass to the buyer a good title to the goods .
30 And one of the , again I 'm harping on to this particular project we 're involved with at the moment , one of the objectives that we 're involved with at the moment is to look at who gets what in terms of financial gain , right the way from the people who live in the forest , if there are people who actually live in the forest , to the people who live around the forest , to the industries , to the governments to the importers and exporters and the rest .
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