Example sentences of "to [noun] with [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So far this has been confined to states with lifetimes longer than about one millisecond ( ’ isomeric ’ states ) but experiments are under way to study excited slates in nuclei with lifetimes as short as microseconds .
2 Inner lobby : Door leading to Carport with garden beyond .
3 ‘ Darling , this is Miss Huntley , who was expecting to lunch with Angela today .
4 Brando was furious and said , ‘ I 'm never going to work with Mankiewicz again . ’
5 that I fear , that sooner or later , we 'll probably have to go to war with Saddam again
6 I employ comparison in order to get to grips with relations rather than as a realist method of generating ‘ … conceptually informed causal analysis ’ ( Dickens et al . ,
7 Milk was only sold to families with children under two .
8 Pilkington 's main business of flat and safety glass saw profits slide 27% to £38.3m with Europe hardest hit .
9 Why the change of direction is the most important and difficult move in golf to come to terms with goes much further than many golfers seem to realise .
10 I do hope that you 've come to terms with pregnancy now . ’
11 She 'd gone to bed with Rune willingly , with both eyes wide open in a metaphorical sense , knowing his background and aware that , in the natural , uncomplicated atmosphere of Scandinavia , perhaps more than anywhere else in Europe there were fewer taboos regarding physical relationships between couples .
12 ( Who 'd want to go to bed with roses anyway , what a mad idea ! ) ’
13 The attraction to mothers with neonates often leads to ‘ aunt ’ behaviour ( ‘ baby-sitting ’ ) providing valuable learning opportunities in the handling of infants that will be valuable when the subject 's own baby is born .
14 A male teacher in To Sir With Love actually instructs his female pupils in ladylike behaviour , modesty , charm and attractive appearance .
15 To hell with equality now .
16 To hell with Miles anyway .
17 She had received a sound enough education to act as a governess to children with parents overseas and , later , as a secretary-companion to American ladies .
18 ‘ We are summoned to audience with Artai later , ’ he said , ‘ but until then we can do as we please . ’
19 During my recent visit to Libya with George More , a top Scots lawyer , the British community told us that it does not want sanctions or reprisals against the Libyan regime .
20 Katherine had left Ireland almost immediately afterwards , spending a little time in Cornwall with her children before travelling up to Scotland to stay with friends there .
21 Some reasonable nets of roach possible along the upper river from Thrapston to Wansford with waggler best .
22 Reluctantly she decided she must see it through , for Peter , and in some way for herself — she had to prove to herself that she could come face to face with Marc again and survive the ordeal .
23 Besides , the last thing she wanted was to come face to face with Rune again , especially if he was in the arms of a reconciled Lotta !
24 Nell half expected to come face to face with Mahon inside .
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