Example sentences of "to [noun] that she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If news wended to Spittals that she had any more interest in the Mills murder she would be suspended immediately .
2 She was immediately angry with herself for admitting to Eleanor that she had read those newspaper items , and that they had got to her .
3 She is prone to pointing out to journalists that she has ugly hands ( her assessment ) , says she grew up thinking she was plain and now is so embarrassed by her appearance on screen that she never sees her films unless she 's forced to .
4 As well as that , how could she admit to Bella that she had seen the money hidden in the drawer ?
5 It was n't until Juliet was sent to lunch that she remembered her rendezvous with David at three o'clock .
6 It was clear to Ruth that she had plumbed the depths of depravity .
7 It seemed to Tallis that she had smouldered for a long time before finally the fire had taken hold .
8 It seemed to Caro that she had probably discovered the only job in the world which was suited to her strange requirements .
9 When it was put to Mona that she had ‘ posed provocatively ’ she replied that she had refused to don a swimming costume for the photos .
10 It seemed to Sam that she looked the tall girl over very intently during those few moments , but then most people looked twice at Evelyn , not because she was especially beautiful but she had a kind of composure unusual in a street girl .
11 Riding one of Jennie 's fabulous dressage schoolmasters , Katharine was able to experience a whole host of dressage movements from flying changes to pirouettes that she had never been able to try before .
12 In August Eileen wrote to Maureen that she had met a marvellous man .
13 The therapist pointed out to Liz that she seemed to be trying to get away from both the shop and the flat , and Liz then talked about her life with her boyfriend and that she felt she needed to start afresh .
14 It was only when she went to supper that she found the reason why .
15 Looking tired and drawn as she paid a visit to the homes in Wirral and Warrington , she was quick to point out to photographers that she 'd had an early start .
16 It was obvious to Juliet that she thought the world of David .
17 Looking back , it seemed to Freddie that she had simply wanted him and him alone — as he had wanted her .
18 She was indicted on Nov. 21 and on Dec. 6 pleaded not guilty in a Baltimore federal court to charges that she had embezzled $5,600,000 in funds from the HUD and that she had made false statements to the government .
19 Looking after the ‘ tribe ’ is the number one priority , but Mary was always looking at ways of continuing her artistic leanings and it was to heraldry that she returned , this time with more than a hint of aviation to it !
20 It was with a slight shock of coming back to reality that she remembered her resolution to visit Miss Grimes on her way home that evening , as part of her contribution to Christmas goodwill , a sort of ‘ good turn ’ done to somebody for whom one felt no affection .
21 Shortly afterwards , over lunch at the Savoy , the daughter of du Maurier 's American publisher announced to Forster that she had hundreds of letters from Daphne to her mother , Ellen Doubleday .
22 She said nothing , and it occurred to Paul that she had shown little interest in any of it ; the sale of the partnership , his own worries about money , his future , which included her constant maintenance .
23 There was nearly a fight when her husband heard Fred the lamplighter say to Dad that she sounded like ‘ a constipated canary ’ .
24 ‘ She rings up and complains to James that she has n't any money and she wants this and she wants that .
25 By August 1938 she had become a resident of the mental hospital , and Maurice reported to Eliot that she seemed " fairly cheerful , had slept well and eaten well , and had sat out in the garden and read a certain amount . "
26 Liz 's illness led to rumours that she had collapsed and died at 5am yesterday .
27 The next day , she and Ruth went back to Manette Street to pick up her belongings and she explained to Kristof that she had decided to return to her family .
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