Example sentences of "to [noun] [noun sg] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I have aimed to answer all the questions usually asked ( and a few more besides ) , but do remember that , whichever hypnotherapist you consult , he or she should be quite willing to do precisely the same for you and to put your mind at rest about anything else which may be troubling you with regard to regression therapy as well as to hypnosis itself .
2 You 'd been to convent school as well , you said .
3 The leaflets give details of timetables for the Middlesbrough to Saltburn line as well as specials to key towns in the North-East .
4 Another significant area of outstanding work is late benefit applications which total over 30,000 at the present time although some of these are speculative and some also apply to Community Charge as well as Council Tax .
5 Three times a day , well twice a day as we were young , as we get older it was three times , it means we have to go to evening chapel as well .
6 Deep dish , frozen multi-portions have always presented difficulties to microwave regeneration as all too often edge burning occurs , before the centre is up to corret temperature .
7 The majority of the malais were Muslims but that did n't stop the senior military enjoying their glass of whisky — Bourbon rather than Scotch , for the notorious malai sweet tooth extended to tastes alcoholic as well .
8 This applies to mineral water as well — substances in the plastic bottle can leach out into the water .
9 Robin Lakoff suggests that the prohibition on women using language forcefully extends to nonstandard pronunciation as well .
10 And that will just lead to planning chaos because obviously somebody 's going to fall between the plans .
11 Library materials , as they include a wider range of formats and a greater proportion of locally produced items planned for the known needs of known students , can make a more varied contribution to student learning than hitherto ; individual study has an increasingly important role in contemporary education , and the new potential of library materials is therefore timely .
12 However , nothing had prepared us for the abundance and variety of scallops , mussels , every species in the shrimp to lobster continuum as well as some very funny-looking goose-neck barnacles .
13 ‘ There is more to Operation Blade than simply an amnesty .
14 There 's been damage to farm machinery as well … ’
15 A defect is defined by reference to the expectation of safety in the product and this relates to property damage as well as death and personal injury .
16 We 'll go to Conway House as well when he gets there , wo n't we ? ’
17 Asking students to supply a title which refers to discourse type as well as topic , is a quick way of checking they have succeeded in orientating towards the discourse as a whole .
18 Owned by Raymond Guest and trained in Ireland by Vincent O'Brien , Sir Ivor came to Laurel Park as probably the best European challenger there had yet been for the Washington International .
19 Alternate adjustments in this way bring points B , D and E to earth potential although only E is actually connected to earth .
20 Meanwhile , here are two remarks by Wordsworth which can be applied to Alice Fell as well as to the whole problem :
21 The latency of the response to cholera toxin as well as its prolonged effect depend on its mode of action as mentioned above .
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