Example sentences of "to [noun] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What with some villains that will only go to houses with something like that , because they think , they see that you 've got something worth having .
2 Although Southall likes to wear black — he was head to toe in it on international duty for Wales in Belgium on Wednesday — he has n't lost his colourful sense of humour .
3 He 'd go to clubs at one in the morning .
4 Wycliffe looked about him and approved , especially of the walls which , in some past time , had been stencilled with designs that were mildly but cheerfully crazy so that to look at them for long made the eyes go funny .
5 Cassock and surplice , a black cassock and white surplice once I told you that my grandmother was once living with us , she used to delight in washing my surplice and ironing it up except me when I was singing in the choir , I did n't take a , the treble solos , that was after the choir used to sister of ours at least oh twenty men , and as many lads and youths the as I say Johnny was in the choir there was er the two brothers and there was Dick was a incense boy and his father was a manager to go in the , he used to have a red cassock and surplice , but he used to Dick 's dad was the incense swinger and they used to go about swinging incense and that , I do n't suppose they do that at all now , but er your first job as a choirboy was to pump the organ it , have you ever been in the church ?
6 It is not an entity or an origin , although the language we use may predispose us to thinking of it in those terms .
7 Central to recognition of oneself by oneself is a move in work organizations to the assessment of performance on a continuous basis of individuals , groups or businesses against agreed performance criteria .
8 When I was debating with myself whether to take up athletics full time I decided , on the spur of the moment , to go up to Nottingham to talk to her about it .
9 Erm I 'll try and get the the erm the council people on to talk about it to us
10 We went to tea with them in Oxford … .
11 During their stay in Woodstock they came to tea with us in our flat in the Banbury Road .
12 It is a wise precaution to meet new clients , rather than to deal with them over the telephone or by correspondence .
13 In any case , I 've never been called on to deal with anything like this before .
14 Names like Caruso , Chaliapin , Melchior , Gigli , Martinelli , Ruffo , Schipa and Tibbett , or Tetrazzin , Galli-Curci , Muzio and Ponselle need to recommendation from me at £8.50 ( £6.25 cassette ) .
15 Wills used to invite four of his eight employees to lunch with him on alternate Sundays .
16 From a perspective in anthropology where social systems were all equally valid , I teased her about cultural police rigidities which caused this rejection of the alternative views she was being asked to examine , to the point where she refused to lunch with me in the Students ' Union , because , ‘ you 're one of those bloody communists I have to listen to ’ .
17 Well , Herman Schrijver says he will hire a car when the warm weather comes and drive her down to lunch with me in the Green Belt … .
18 She had a sick daughter , a fractious grandchild and a life which needed rethinking , one in which she could , perhaps , occasionally persuade Liza to come to Penzance with her for whatever meagre amusement the place might afford : a film or maybe a concert .
19 America also lets exiles send money to Cuba in lots of $100 a household , delivered in Cuban pesos at the official exchange rate of two pesos to the dollar .
20 I mean , I could go from anywhere , Lowerick down to the borders and I 'd I 'd be , I 'd feel at home , but I would n't feel I mean , I went down to England for something like four days , and like from Berwick , ma , about it must be about ten miles from Berwick to the Scottish , the Scotland thing and I was a craning my head out the bus window to see it !
21 THE woman juror whose looks prompted a man to wolf-whistle at her in court yesterday said she was secretly flattered and took it as a compliment .
22 Despite these kinds of market issues , Microsoft is unlikely to allow developers to add-value for them by tinkering with NT operating system code ‘ but it may have to change this model to win the high-end , ’ warns Schuster .
23 There were moments when he took on too much ; and although I pursued the matter of our volume only because he had invited me to do so , I soon realized that I was asking more than I should have done , especially as I was uncertain at any moment whether my collaborators saw eye to eye with me about the scope of our project .
24 He said he could not serve on that sub-committeee ( consisting of Brian Close , Bob Appleyard , Phil Sharpe , Bryan Stott , Tony Woodhouse ) ‘ when I do not see eye to eye with them on any subject ’ .
25 dissenting ) [ 1991 ] 3 W.L.R. 790 allowing an appeal by the respondent , the Woolwich Equitable Building Society ( now the Woolwich Building Society ) , from the decision of Nolan J. [ 1989 ] 1 W.L.R. 137 that the right to repayment to them by the revenue of sums of £42,426,421 , £2,856,821 and £11,714,969 paid by Woolwich pursuant to a demand by the revenue under the Income Tax ( Building Societies ) Regulations 1986 , which were subsequently held to have been ultra vires , arose only at the moment of the decision as to the invalidity of the Regulations and not from the time that the payments were made .
26 ‘ The Arabs went to war with us in 1948 to destroy our Jewish state .
27 ‘ But it 's not decent to go to war over something like this , ’ I screamed , thumping my fist on the table so that the cups on the dresser rattled .
28 So a stallion may respond to punishment from us by trying to kick us with greater determination instead .
29 Invites us all to feast with him at Night .
30 After a time David relaxed and joined in , complimenting Felicity , chaffing her husband and turning often to Julia to remind-her of earlier conversations they had had or to ask her opinion .
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