Example sentences of "have made in [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 These substantial resources will enable the executive to continue the progress that it has made in recent years in improving housing conditions in Northern Ireland .
2 The plaintiff sued to recover payments he had made in past years , and the Court of Appeal , reversing the judgment of Rowlatt J. , held that he was entitled to do so .
3 But these were the only two films he had made in seven years , and there could have been little doubt that his particular tradition of uniformed , clenched , period Englishmen had become unfashionable in America with the coming of the new realist cinema immediately after the war .
4 Everybody 's aware that this may well be the last Gen , the last Party Conference before the General Election , and what is more , of , an impression of the terrific progress that the Labour Party 's made in recent years , and further gains over the last year in terms of public support , so that we really are on the threshold of a General Election campaign which we realistically hope to win , and we 've got the policies in place to meet the needs of the nation for the nineties .
5 Yet yesterday 's appointment of Howard Kendall as manager seems , on the face of it , one of the most rational and sensible moves the Blues have made in recent years .
6 Yet yesterday 's appointment of Howard Kendall as manager seems , on the face of it , one of the most rational and sensible moves the Blues have made in recent years .
7 We then examine the approaches firms have made in recent years , such as ‘ environmental scanning ’ , to formalise their acquisition of external information .
8 Lightbody 's omission must go down as one of the biggest boobs the NIBA have made in recent years .
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