Example sentences of "have time for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Remember all this well , so that you do n't get it wrong on the night ; you may not have time for a second performance .
2 ‘ You wo n't have time for a proper meal but you must eat something — we do n't want you fainting at a crucial moment , do we ? ’
3 I did n't even have time for a proper supper . ’
4 Do they have time for a monthly general-interest magazine ?
5 A quick glance at her watch showed that she would have time for a short walk outside before dinner , and with this in mind she sprang from the bed and raked a comb through her hair .
6 He had time for a quick wave .
7 I just had time for a quick glance into its shelf-ridden depths before it closed , and I saw room after room , opening vistas of eternal reading to my gaze .
8 He just had time for a quick coffee ( it was now or never ) , and in the time I took to refill the kettle and put coffee into two clean mugs , I 'd told him .
9 Charles persuaded a rather grudging Miles that he had time for a quick bath before they left .
10 We had time for a short walk on a rocky path before I had to return to Athens .
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