Example sentences of "have just be [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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31 Because you , you 've just been going on about going abroad
32 What 's the point of being aggressive with somebody when they 're gon na walk away feeling as if they 've just been walked all over , so you 've still got the same situation you 've got one person walking away feeling a little bit fed up and the other person not so if you talk about assertiveness in terms of aggression and in terms of submission i.e. there 's going to be a winner and there 's going to be a loser depending which way round you look at it then you still have n't quite grasped what we mean by assertiveness .
33 I 've just been driven back from Covent Garden and I want to get to bed .
34 This one you 've just been doing now .
35 Student asks thirty people , how long it had taken them And you draw a frequency table , which you 've just been doing there .
36 Some affirmative uses give a slightly different impression from that of being able to assert the occurrence of an event because of its having been perceived — a suggestion that there is a difference between what perception would lead one to think and the way things really are : ( 85 ) Once again the direction in which something is seen to move might depend upon the ratios of firing in cells sensitive to movement in different directions , and after prolonged movement in one direction a stationary image would produce less firing in the cell which had just been stimulated more than normally , hence apparent movement in the opposite direction would be seen to occur .
37 However , we were told an application for a house in the open countryside in Montgomeryshire had just been called in .
38 It would er but as I 've already said the bed looked made er totally un-slept in it looked as though it had just been made up from new and un-slept in which is why I took that course of action .
39 Everyone put on their coats and crowded to the gate with that mixture of patronage and curiosity reserved by old prisoners for those who had just been shot down .
40 When Professor Aldini applied galvanism to the face of a felon who had just been cut down from the gallows ,
41 Clara had just been born then , and now , more or less on schedule , Hana was in labour again .
42 She was about to take on a job whose previous holder had just been fired specifically to make room for her .
43 The Z88 's line editor may then be used to edit the line as if it had just been typed in .
44 The line to be edited is now in the input buffer and may be edited as if it had just been typed in .
45 It smelt of camphor as if the old clothes hanging on the racks had just been taken out of ancient chests .
46 Cos I wa , I was directly involved when I did a hell of a lot of work for Marconis , they sent me up to Glenrossi 's cos they got a micro er , electronics factory up there doing micro-chips , and one of the big coal mines up there had just been closed down and they said well , there 's no doubt about it , you know wha what we got ta do is re-train the miners !
47 This signalled the arrival of the half of the school that had NOT been early for assembly , who tried to enter the sports hall at the same time as the half that had just been thrown out tried to exit .
48 He had just been booted out of his digs , for the nth time , because the landlady had complained about the noise of a child who had stayed with him on the way home for half-term .
49 It looked as if it had just been brought home by Susan from Blackpool .
50 Far from having run its course , the struggle for the emancipation of the serfs was about to enter an even more heated phase than the one it had just been going through .
51 Tom leaned forward , ignoring the piping hot servings of lobster meunière which had just been set reverently in front of them .
52 My plan for how I was going to live out the rest of my days had just been torn up in front of my face and I needed time to adjust .
53 I stared stupidly at the bag in my hand as if it had just been dropped there from a helicopter .
54 However , this result does not carry through in the same way to the cases we have just been discussing where managerial utility depends on effort as well as income .
55 It is the characteristic of the kind of Governments that have just been turned over beyond the line , in Europe .
56 Many firms have just been hanging on .
57 ( Alternatively , you could pretend that you have just been beamed down from outer space and that you do not understand a word that he is saying — which is at least partly true ! )
58 In London roadside cameras have just been set up which clock speeders without them noticing .
59 That , the thirty three thousand includes twenty three thousand of the registration services carry forwards , but it does not take into account the three thousand which have just been requested here .
60 He went on : ‘ They are normally engaged in planning non-emergency journeys but since there have not been any it was felt that they have just been sitting around socialising when others are working long hours .
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