Example sentences of "have been some [noun sg] [that] " in BNC.

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1 will prevent him having to consider a mass of trivial complaints where it is unlikely that criminal charges would ever be brought but there has been some concern that the chief officer of police is given a discretion whether or not to refer complaints which disclose criminal conduct to the D.P.P. , although this decision is of course supervised .
2 There has been some concern that several teachers took tickets to sell but failed to let know whether or not they had sold them which made catering difficult .
3 There has been some speculation that Mohammed 's father was a member of a Nazarean sect and that Mohammed himself was raised in Nazarean traditions .
4 In recent years there has been some evidence that they are even more evasive , changing identity by oscillating from one type of neutrino to another .
5 Secondly , there has been some recognition that unemployment and job creation should be the concern of a whole range of agencies and departments , not just the DED and its off-shoots .
6 A single gene may be responsible in that although the identical twin concordance rate is only 40–50 per cent , there has been some suggestion that the other twin often has some schizoid features of personality which may be the same disease in a much milder form ( Emery , 1975 ) .
7 There has been some suggestion that parents are more likely to argue in front of their sons than their daughters ; that a disturbed parent is more likely to pick on a son than a daughter ; and that mothers may transfer negative experiences with their husband into negative expectations of their sons .
8 There has been some suggestion that computer trading techniques have been partly responsible for the crash ( or what is called programme trading ) .
9 But there has been some argument that the criteria should be increased for boys to the age of 8 years ( Verhulst et al .
10 While the Maryland charter gave the Calverts the same executive authority as the Bishops of Durham held on the Scottish border , it required them to make sure that the colonists had approved the laws of their colony before they came into effect ; it may have been realized from earlier experience that an assembly was needed , or there may have been some feeling that a Catholic colony would have special problems .
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