Example sentences of "have been [v-ing] into the " in BNC.

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1 Agribusiness , which has been moving into the luxury end of the market , with the growth of carnations in Colombia and strawberries in Mexico for sale in the United States , has contributed to the high level of exports .
2 The UK subsidiary has been eating into the parent company 's profits due to start up costs for its paging and mobile communications operations .
3 He has been looking into the possibility of a career outside cricket as a pilot because of further problems with his back .
4 Parker brushes aside any doubts about the ability of mainframe operating systems to take advantage of parallel machines , pointing out that the company has been researching into the approach for a number of years .
5 Taiwanese investment has been flowing into the mainland since the early 1980s , but in the past year the flow has become a flood .
6 The patient 's name was Wayne Benfield and he 'd been coming into the centre for daily dressings to an injured ankle .
7 We had been taking into the adult wards men and women suffering from the most serious fevers , encephalitis lethargica , polio-encephalitis , serious poliomyelitis , with two ‘ Iron lung ’ cases in a special isolation ward and unit , tuberculous meningitis , and poliomeningitis were also with us .
8 While Francis had been gazing into the unseeable distance , the wall had extended several metres across the clearing .
9 The Betting Shop association had been looking into the circumstances surrounding the horse 's win at Lingfield two weeks ago .
10 Zelma , bless her , who has always regarded her son-in-law as a sort of concierge who somehow manages to throw up the odd masterpiece in between sitting at a desk , gazing uselessly out of the window and making endless messes in her kitchen with his coffee dregs and fag ash , had been popping into the study at fairly regular intervals , with unspecific enquiries .
11 Abruptly , Ratagan threw the chunk of bread he had been gnawing into the fire .
12 They proposed getting rid of the philistines found along Wardour Street , London 's Film Row , wiping out the middle-class personnel who had been creeping into the director 's chair , or introducing a bunch of amateurs into the business .
13 Lightweight leather boots had been creeping into the market since the 1970s or even earlier , but were not made using the new technology .
14 More than 12,000 people , from company directors to filing clerks , had been streaming into the share sorting centre with last-minute applications since the doors opened at 7.45am .
15 I remember one bloke who was part of a working class West London crowd that had been coming into the shop since the early days .
16 Hyacinth , happily unused to the ways of the more unscrupulous telly interviewer , promptly stuck a roll of paper she had been carrying into the broadcaster 's eye , thus bringing the proceedings to a close .
17 There was a fight of some kind going on to my left ; all the people who a minute ago had been fleeing into the bush were just as suddenly pouring back .
18 It had been a slow job , but as all this had been going on the elvers had been flooding into the basin .
19 A lot of people have been laying into the Tomlinson report on London 's health services , and it was hardly surprising to find one of the most vociferous was NUPE 's general secretary Rodney Bickerstaffe .
20 Highly toxic chemicals from the Atomic Energy Authority 's research centre at Harwell in Oxfordshire have been leaking into the groundwater , according to a report commissioned by the authority .
21 Following our discussions , I have been looking into the financial aspects of the timeshare proposal .
22 For very much longer nutritionists have been delving into the values and virtues of vitamins , minerals and the proteins necessary for growth and repair of body tissue .
23 Some groups have been buying into the new sites — as House of Fraser , which owns Harrods , has done at Meadowhall in Sheffield — but such an expensive strategy requires cool nerves in the present recession .
24 Over the past few weeks I have been dipping into the annual report — for last year — of the Medical Defence Union , an outfit that deals with legal claims against doctors for alleged incompetence , negligence and other failings .
25 And increasingly they have been clustering into the outer South East .
26 So , while in the past we have been placing into the care of the private sector the management of predominantly physical activities , we are now privatising parts of the local authority that are direct holders and processors of information .
27 A GROUP of British students has recently returned from a trip to South America , where they have been researching into the flora and fauna of the Colombian Amazon basin .
28 Those biomek filaments have been growing into the tank , you know .
29 Applications have been flowing into the Manor Ground but no moves have yet been made .
30 Applications have been flowing into the Manor Ground but no moves have yet been made .
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