Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] each year " in BNC.

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1 They will have to prove to the Society that at least 15 minutes of their music has been played each year — fine enough for those who write lengthy pieces , but much more difficult for those who are at heart and in practice miniaturists .
2 In the period before 1910 about 85,000 new houses had been built each year , but after the introduction of Land Values Duties the building rate fell sharply .
3 Justice Minister Kobie ( H. J. ) Coetsee announced on March 22 that the ban on unauthorised political and protest meetings without written permission from a magistrate , which had been renewed each year since 1976 , would lapse on March 31 .
4 Since 1947 Spoonbills have been recorded each year , except in 1959 , 1960 , 1962 , 1963 , 1969 , 1973 , and 1976 , and there were records involving 82 birds .
5 Had the supplements still been in existence , they would , of course , have been reviewed each year .
6 In the end only one or two small sub-programmes have been investigated each year .
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