Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] and [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 The date for the reopening of the Public Enquiry into the future of the Swanage Railway has been declared and will be on October 12 in Swanage Town Hall .
2 But within this context , Wilkins ' elegant stuccoed facades will be retained , and an important landmark has been saved and will look far more handsome and dignified than it has for many years .
3 A new HS&E Policy and Management System has been developed and will be launched shortly at a number of Wood Group companies with the aim that all companies will adapt the Group Policy and Management System to their own needs by the end of the year .
4 If , however , your parent thinks that some mistake has been made and can not sort it out , you can easily contact the pension fund headquarters on his or her behalf and ask for details of how the amount has been arrived at .
5 In a letter to the Australian Stock Exchange , the company said it would ‘ vigorously oppose the appointment that has been made and will do everything in its power to have the receivership rescinded . ’
6 A selection of around sixty of its finest works has been made and will be shown this summer ( until September ) .
7 The other holds that the cosmos has been generated and may be destroyed , and that men similarly first came into existence at a definite time .
8 We 're holding the gains by effective communiucation between the process and QC operations and by charting the improvement so that everyone can see what has been achieved and can react quickly if they see any deterioration .
9 It can not be designed before the functioning gearbox has been conceived and must thus be considered as a component of the gearbox space .
10 Rogues and Vagabonds has been devised and 'll be compered by Michael Meyer , and stars Edward Fox , Dorothy Tutin and Freddie Jones , and it 's all for a good cause .
11 Sekers Fabrics has been revitalised and will now move forward from its breakeven position of the past year to acceptable profits anticipated in the year ahead . ’
12 DOA ( 15 Buena Vista 12 Oct ) is another remake , this time of a 1949 film noir , starting well as Dennis Quaid discovers he has been poisoned and will die within 24 hours : the initials stand for Dead On Arrival .
13 The mystic claims that the reality which monotheists call ‘ God ’ is essentially unknowable , but these revealed religions claim that he has spoken very clearly to men and that his divine Word has been expressed and can be experienced in very tangible ways .
14 The case has been adjourned and will be concluded next month .
15 A building has been destroyed and can be rebuilt .
16 The myogenin gene has been isolated and can be introduced into non-muscle cells where it becomes integrated into their DNA .
17 However , in a more recent study Nyman and Silberston cast some doubt on the growth of management control , reporting that as high a figure as 56.25 of the top 250 companies in the UK were still controlled by shareholders , and concluding that ‘ the extent of managerial control is more limited than has been thought and may not have an inexorable tendency to increase .
18 Even if the bookcase falls down or breaks , the skill of joining pieces of wood has been practised and will remain with the student and be practised in other ways .
19 BOGOTA ( Agencies ) — A leading member of the Medellin cocaine cartel who resorted to plastic surgery to avoid arrest has been captured and will face extradition to the United States , the Colombian authorities said yesterday .
20 The top surface Carboniferous was chosen because — in contrast to stratigraphic reference levels , like , e.g. , the Westphalian C/D boundary — it has been penetrated and can be identified easily in most boreholes .
21 Check that the subordinate fully understands what has been discussed and can explain back to you roughly what is the next stage .
22 The mother image can be either the strict mother who has to be obeyed , or else the loving mother who has been hurt and can now be comforted .
23 This pub has been purchased and will be refurbished .
24 Secondly , the third party solicitor may point out certain errors with regard to the basis on which a claim has been investigated and may also change or expand grounds of fault .
25 However , they can be helpful in attracting other sources of finance once the project has been approved and will finance supporting infrastructure .
26 Request for the procedural change has been circulated and should be general item .
27 The effect of genetic maldevelopment has been mentioned and may subsist in either abnormal chromosome count or in chromosomal mutation .
28 She does n't begin to ovulate until she has been mated and will not become fertile for another two or three days .
29 The mill has been restored and can be seen grinding wholemeal flour on weekdays and Sunday afternoons between Easter and October .
30 Although any breach would be contempt of court , and could lead to the lifting of the Mareva injunction , the information will have been obtained and can still be put to use in another State ; and the sanctions available are much reduced where , as may often be the case , the plaintiff is not resident in the jurisdiction of the English court .
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