Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] in their " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There is a complaint that there is a breach of copyright by dint of a short extract from Randolph 's book which has been inserted in their manifesto . ’
2 The greater use of nominated subcontractors has been reflected in their influence on building contracts .
3 ‘ Without Urban Programme funding it is unlikely that these schemes would have been undertaken in their present form , especially those requiring capital funding .
4 And if Jesus were the legitimate claimant of that monarchy , they would have been unified in their support of him , his family and his house .
5 An embarrassing historical fact for falsificationists is that if their methodology had been strictly adhered to by scientists then those theories generally regarded as being among the best examples of scientific theories would never have been developed because they would have been rejected in their infancy .
6 They would n't all have been killed in their beds .
7 The construction of that generality does not pretend to be the only possible one — the same event could operate in all sorts of different ways in different series , temporalities , which would mean that , strictly speaking , it was no longer the same event , for it would have been dispersed in their different rarefactions .
8 An appeal made to Rome in 1977 by the Roman catholic parents concerned with the Confirmation ban appeared to have been answered in their favour , as Bishop Philbin changed his pastoral policy and these children were allowed to go forward for confirmation in 1978–9 .
9 For example , it included costs which ought more properly to have been included in their bill relating to the divorce proceedings , in which they were acting for the father .
10 President Taya had followed up a July 29 amnesty for state security and press law offenders with a further amnesty , announced on Aug. 18 , for people who had been sentenced in their absence and had been in exile for over 15 years .
11 And how he tried — speeding from study group to policy committee , from National Executive Committee to Cabinet , from office to platform , spraying out speeches , press releases and lengthy papers reminding his colleagues of what had been said in their manifesto .
12 One has seen people from the shop floor sent to help start up plants overseas , and seen them rapidly take responsibilities far beyond those which they had been given in their home organization .
13 They had been trained in their own callings — pilots , navigators , gunners and wireless operator 's — and came together at No 19 OTU Kinloss where they were to be trained on Whitleys .
14 Asked whether people who give to the WWF to protect such things as pandas , whales and rainforests realized that their money is also being used in this way , in particular to support the bloodsport of angling , he said he had never thought of angling as a bloodsport and donations had been listed in their magazine .
15 Two dentists had been killed in their clinic by a shell just before the convoy arrived , and after it left shots were fired at the medical shift coming from Sarajevo to relieve the surgeons .
16 As Soviet order is relaxed in Eastern Europe , nations which had been kept in their place are reasserting their identities and rediscovering old aspirations .
17 Tiny particles of uranium oxide , containing radioactive isotopes of caesium , strontium and plutonium , had been scattered in their millions over the surrounding countryside .
18 When police relaxed the cordon friends and relatives went to speak to the people who had been trapped in their houses throughout the bank holiday .
19 Respondents were asked to say to what extent ( if at all ) each of these had been used in their own review .
20 Many Russian exiles have long suspected that spies had been planted in their midst by the KGB , and for some the advertisements confirmed their darkest fears .
21 A Reserve Bank of India report released on July 16 named four foreign banks including ANZ Grindlays , Bank of America , Citibank and Standard Chartered , claiming that controversial securities market trading had been concentrated in their hands and in those of stockbrokers arrested in June [ see p. 38967 ] .
22 No individual Members had submitted evidence questioning the ways in which the work of the House and its regional interests had been portrayed in their own locality ( one Member , Mr James Kilfedder , complained in a Commons debate ( 19 July 1990 ) of the failure of both BBC and Ulster TV to provide proper coverage of the speeches of Members of all parties from Northern Ireland ) .
23 You will see from the notes and form that applications should only be directed to the Sports Council in respect of post holders of international bodies , ie those who have been elected in their own right and not those who are simply fulfilling a representative function .
24 None of this is of any comfort to the unions , who are very strongly represented within the PTT and have been united in their rejection of the proposed reforms .
25 TWO students , one formerly at Bristol Polytechnic , the other formerly at Birmingham Polytechnic , have been overpaid in their grants by Powys County Council , one student by £1,084 , the other by £768 , after abandoning their courses .
26 This process of subdivision is continued until an appropriate level of specificity has been achieved , and all subjects that are required to be represented have been listed in their appropriate places .
27 In so far as there is this domination , it must be acknowledged that men have been aided in their domination of women by women themselves — sometimes older women , whose own conditioning has matured in conformity with that of men .
28 The contents are secret and have been seen in their entirety by very few officers below the rank of Assistant Chief Constable .
29 ‘ Even if they have been killed in their sleep ? ’
30 Several authors ( Verrill , 1899a , b and Matsumoto 1915 , 1917 ) have attempted to revise the family but none of the schemes have been accepted in their entirety .
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