Example sentences of "have been [adj] take [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The work which has , since 1986/87 , been achieved by Action for Governors ' Information and Training ( AGIT ) took its beginnings from a very wide range of agencies : both through its original base at the Community Education Development Centre in Coventry and through its non-governmental funding , it has been able to take account of differing interests and pressures .
2 The words were said with such good humour and aggressive sureness that it would have been impossible to take offence .
3 Members of the University Lecturers Association had been due to take part in a second one-day strike at the university in Aberdeen .
4 Three controversial referendums on abortion which had been due to take place on Dec. 3 [ see p. 39160 ] were brought forward to Nov. 25 to coincide with the general election .
5 Tom had been keen to take advantage of the medical facilities at Wiesbaden , if only to get his teeth sorted out .
6 The economy was not expanding in such a way as to absorb them in work , even if mothers of young children , children themselves , the aged and the disabled who made up the bulk of out-door paupers , had been able to take advantage of such expansion .
7 In 1991 , the Company had been able to take action to contain the situation , which enabled a break-even for the year to be returned .
8 Lexington society were present and the newspapers had been busy taking photographs and writing up their accounts for the morning editions .
9 In the case of the Ks , the SMG claimed the police had been slow to take statements and prepare cases , and that , inexplicably , weeks elapsed before anyone was charged with the December attack on Anoup K although there had been clear identification .
10 Needless to say , an appeal took place in the summer of 1991 and it came to light that although the Sharmas had been entitled to take Sophie and Robbie , they had never done so .
11 Mrs Hawkins reported that she had been unable to take photos at this location as she had first to finish off a slide film , but will soon be in a position to take the required photos and also others to be displayed at the A.G.M. and then stored in the village archives .
12 We 've been prepared to take gambles , and they have paid off . ’
13 The advent of Windows 3.1 has caused a minor shake-up in many applications — OLE and TrueType are just two of the features of the environment that software houses have been keen to take advantage of .
14 Examples are Hakea ( Proteaceae , Australia ) and pines that have been able to take hold in the Cape .
15 They have been able to take advantage of their good standing internationally to raise funds on fine terms which could then be converted into floating-rate liabilities suitable for financing the acquisition of floating-rate sterling assets .
16 Recent research has shown that well-informed mothers who have been able to take responsibility for decisions in pregnancy and labour feel happier after the event , even when their plans did n't work out as they had expected them to .
17 In the general run of life in a river this may be very true , but many times I have been able to take barbel and chub from the same swim simply by altering the depth at which my bait is fishing .
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