Example sentences of "have been [adj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 No Party has been victorious three times running increasing its majority each time .
2 Mayrhofen is one of the most popular of the Tyrolean resorts and has been welcoming British guests for many years .
3 This very friendly family-owned hotel has been welcoming British guests for over 30 years .
4 This week the County Ground in Swindon has been open all hours … thirty six thousand tickets have been sold … goodness knows how many scarves and souvenirs …
5 Probably anticipating the enhancing of the already considerable temperature that might ensue from a stretch of proven hell-raising , Pukwana called for a blues , and set about declaring his intent with that impassioned alto cry ( the instrument in his hands displaying the weight of the tenor as well as the wild , wayward quality of the higher horn ) that has been thrilling British audiences since the Sixties .
6 The Pentagon is particulary worried that Iraqi anti-aircraft radar has been tracking allied planes .
7 However , the key factor has been domestic agricultural policies which protect indigenous agriculture for security or political reasons .
8 ‘ At your age , I 'd been married five years .
9 She said : ‘ I 'm very sad because we 'd been married 20 years .
10 We 'd been married ten years , that 's always supposed to be a bad time .
11 Lord , she 'd been awake ten minutes and already they were at each other 's throats !
12 I could have been married many times , as everyone knows , but I was always so involved with my father 's business and then my own , life was always so full , that I let the opportunities slip by .
13 Thus what would once have been typical neurotic conflicts between the ego and the id are much more likely to present themselves today as delinquency and compulsive acting-out .
14 Each section would have symbolic representation from the other section , but the effective outcome would have been face-to-face Israeli-Palestinian talks .
15 But there must have been other reactive effects which were more subtly marked than this and were concealed from the fieldworker .
16 There may well have been other such incidents .
17 I now realised that there must have been other little gaps and vacancies about the house but , between the tablets and the total absence of any careless talk , I had wiped the whole unfortunate episode right out of my head …
18 It is now regularly available at their surgery as part of free NHS care , a situation which would have been inconceivable ten years ago .
19 This would have been unthinkable 5 years ago .
20 Studies like those described by Dean ( 1982 ) , in which he attempted to distinguish between deficits in visual memory and visual object categorization following damage to part of the visual association cortex in rhesus monkeys , would have been unthinkable forty years ago .
21 ‘ The collection I showed this spring would have been unthinkable three years ago — so many dresses , so much evening wear .
22 ‘ Unix Lite would have been okay four years ago , but with the performance and memory capacity of today 's machines — and their future potential — we do n't need cut-down Unix .
23 He is frequently described as ‘ having the stoop of an ageing crop-picker and the face of a curious little boy ’ — which may have been true 30 years ago , but now belongs to the discard-tray with other caricatures : caricatures , as Oscar Wilde observed , are compliments that mediocrity pays to genius .
24 But neither he nor Antoinette are direct blood descendants of Monsieur de Rochefort , so there would have been heavy financial penalties attached to the inheritance . ’
25 These could have been gross bawdy parodies in the arena to the great delight of the multitude .
26 In fact , if he were n't so loyal to Dalgety and allowed himself to be poached , he could probably have been champion several times over . ’
27 Some of the marginal faults-notably that along the Sutherland coast discussed earlier were clearly operative during Mesozoic times ( in this case late Jurassic ) and may well have been active seismic lines .
28 On this argument the graptolites should have been bottom dwelling-colonial organisms , living by filtering small particles of food from the water .
29 Throughout our recent evolutionary history , particularly since the rise of a hunting way of life , there must have been extreme selective pressures in favour of our ability to co-operate as a group : organized food gathering and hunts are successful only if each member of the band knows his task and joins in with the activity of his fellows ; a good deal of restraint on natural impulses during the stalk and capture of the prey is likewise essential .
30 There might have been considerable constitutional difficulties if it had turned out that , for the last 10 years , Britain had been ruled by a Martian , or a robot , or a vampire .
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