Example sentences of "have been [adj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 I 'd 've been inclined to do that thing on it .
2 No one has been able to answer that question .
3 A number of cases exist where companies have been forced to employ new materials and processes outside their normal ( up until then ) field of operation , resulting in a period of component or equipment failures until the company has been able to acquire that necessary working experience .
4 Nobody has been able to substantiate that idea and Kitching ( 1977 ) cites instances in Spain and Scotland of enclaves with elongated shells feeding on mussels .
5 For instance , Susanne Langer , in most of her writing on Aesthetics has been concerned to establish that emotion expressed through Art is derived from but is not the same as that felt in real life .
6 Though , on reflection , she realised she 'd been silly to think that .
7 She 'd been slow to see that , and tried to make up for it by saying quickly : ‘ Her jumping over ca n't have helped Eismark 's career . ’
8 It might have been difficult to prove that librarians themselves took the initiative for the censorship , although many would have been pleased to make that claim .
9 Erm but I I would have thought that it would have been necessary to examine that sector against all the others before reaching any conclusion as to whether or not i it could be more successfully assimilated into the landscape of that sector as opposed to anywhere else .
10 ‘ As no one could have foreseen the sharp fall in the base rate after Black Wednesday , it would have been impossible to predict that variable rates and the cost of fixed rate mortgages would have fallen so far . ’
11 The draw cost Norwich crucial points in the championship race and assistant manager John Deehan said : ‘ It would have been nice to close that gap at the top because we now find ourselves a bit adrift .
12 It is known that they used ink — there are clay cups with ink inscriptions inside them — and it would have been natural to use that ink for cursive writing on a material such as parchment or papyrus .
13 If we had stuck with the fair rates policy the vast majority of people in Britain might have been able to bear that price and public services would remain public services , not sacrificial lambs on the altar of the ideology of the Conservative party .
14 Over such a period , as has already been apparent with Polaris , if we had only had three , we should not have been able to maintain that programme .
15 If Pine v. Collacott itself had originally been under challenge in your Lordships ' House on the ground that in an obligatory section 7(4) case the simple requirement that the driver provide a specimen of blood without reference to the possible alternative of urine was insufficient , I should have been inclined to reject that challenge .
16 In 1750 , although Pomeranian Słupsk had already become German Stolp , it had been possible to say that east of a line drawn from the tiny Pomeranian fishing hamlet of Rowy to the hamlet of Tuchomie , Polish or various Slav dialects were spoken .
17 As a result , Ter-Petrosyan announced on Aug. 9 that the Soviet authorities had agreed to extend the deadline for militias to surrender ( it had been due to expire that day ) , and that the Armenian authorities should handle disarming the militias without interference by Soviet forces ( reportedly at Bakatin 's request , Gorbachev issued a decree on Aug. 11 from his holiday retreat in the Crimea extending the deadline for two months ) .
18 She and Mr Singh had visited the school for a Christmas event and had been pleased to hear that Balbinder was being moved into the second class .
19 First because it er offers the Government quite a good reason for dropping the bill altogether , er a er and bowing to parliamentary opinion in doing so that 's not a shameful thing to do , er if it had been able to do that on the other hand it would have the benefit of in=incorporating in its own proposals a measure of continuity and experience which are no there already .
20 If he had been able to understand that , he might at least have been able to formulate a coherent apology .
21 She had been able to tell that by the sight of his motorbike outside .
22 Freud came to see , later , that human beings are not predisposed to admit that they are organisms which die and are destructive any more than they had been prepared to admit that young children , under five years of age , were sexual .
23 On the staff side we have recruited nine individuals , er , but since we 've lost three members of staff at the same time , that is a net increase of six , and since most of them are part-time , there 's actually only three full-time equivalents , we 've been able to do that entirely within the we had on establishments at work .
24 Second time I 've been able to smell that .
25 ITV have been able to do that because of the monopoly .
26 The then Conservative Opposition roundly opposed that , and I am delighted that this Conservative Government have been able to correct that smear of dishonour .
27 But at times it 's been hard to ignore that sinking feeling that what we 've been witnessing is another case of gradual rock'n'roll suicide , that what we 're about to experience is the possible self-destruction of not just one individual but a whole band .
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