Example sentences of "have been [verb] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Hussey has been doing more than both driving and reading the map .
2 One result of my illness has been to change all that : When you are faced with the possibility of an early death , it makes you realize that life is worth living and that there are lots of things you want to do .
3 the finished product has been re-designed such that different materials and components will be used ;
4 One big star , Billy Ray Cyrus , was invented by the marketing men last year and has been playing more or less bubblegum pop .
5 Women 's Weeklies You see women have been asked this as well .
6 Should n't have been doing that and should n't have been doing that .
7 The ideas carried in the individual features , including an end to mass unemployment , a planned economy , a comprehensive system of social security and health care , a clean sweep of all that was old-fashioned and squalid in housing and the urban legacy of the industrial revolution , and many more , represented a virtual glossary of progressive views current in the Britain of the 1930s and its contributors a fair cross-section of the high-minded and socially concerned individuals who had been advocating these and similar ideas well before the outbreak of war .
8 If Lewis had been learning more than he knew before about humility , Williams had been learning more than he knew before about medieval literature .
9 If Lewis had been learning more than he knew before about humility , Williams had been learning more than he knew before about medieval literature .
10 He had not been eating properly and had been drinking more than usual .
11 In the meantime a jig had been prepared such that the tailplanes could be broken under loads not dissimilar to those they would meet in the air .
12 At the end of September 143 people had been waiting more than a year .
13 Mackie denied he had been told that and said that if he had been told the meeting was confidential from the start there would have been little point in him , as an analyst , being there .
14 I suppose you 've been watching that as well .
15 ‘ I 've been wearing those since I was a casual all those years ago , but they 're a sticks-man item , not mod in any way . ’
16 Knuckle down to any jobs you 've been promising all and sundry to do , but have secretly been avoiding like the plague .
17 You think you can push me around because you 've been doing that since we were in the nursery .
18 Yes , I 've heard that you 've been doing more than sending it out , you 've actually been taking it personally have n't you ?
19 That 's right , I 've , I 've been through over the year 's I 've been doing this and they say , whether it 's because they know if the background at the er vets , the private vets there , you know I do n't know , but the information I get from them , that there 'd a , there not prepared to over .
20 Now we 've been doing these or working with estate agents for twenty years .
21 Must get one a microwave if Debbie comes home I think , I 'll see , I 've been saying that but I was thinking if , I 'll have to wait and see Debbie
22 Figures presented in the conference report show that some states have been receiving more than their fair share of government resources for health care taking into account population .
23 Compared with European or North American species , the cotingas have been studied little and , consequently , almost every recent observation is of interest .
24 Since the start of the summer the papers have been saying this and that about us .
25 The increase will not be matched by dividend rises — too many companies have been paying more than they could afford over the past two years and need to repair their reserves and ratios — but 7 p.c. growth looks reasonable .
26 What we 're , in effect what we 're saying is that for a a number of years the Communist Party has provided , has made that moral economy work i in a s and made it work very well because rents have been reduced more than the peasants would expect erm er interest rate is extremely low .
27 Both sets of data have been normalised such that the lowest value is equal to 1 .
28 For behind the public posturings , there 's no doubt that both of these gentlemen have been having more than a little local difficulty with their respective parties .
29 If , in the original solution , the functions f , g and M have been chosen such that the terms in ( 12.47 ) have already cancelled the terms and in S , then the new solution for M will be given by .
30 Although it 's two years later they 've got to resell at the price that er it 's been discounted more or less .
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