Example sentences of "have been [verb] about [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A little bit I think that he was just concerned that perhaps there might 've been other people who might 've wanted to come and if people had rung up and you had had a waiting list something could 've been done about it
2 In this chapter I shall write only about women in the last group and their position in the British labour market since very little has been written about them .
3 For much of what has been written about her does not elucidate ; rather , it creates a barrier between us and the historical ruler of mid sixteenth-century Scotland .
4 Enough has been written about it .
5 Anybody who has operated in business for more than five years knows that invariably in five years the business is not all right unless something has been done about it .
6 Catherine Everett has been hearing about it .
7 Parents and others may want to know what has been said about them during the course of an investigation and what information has been recorded about the child .
8 ‘ I would like to beat him because of what he has been saying about me , ’ Mason said .
9 ‘ I would like to beat him because of what he has been saying about me , ’ Mason said .
10 Not so much has been known about them , which alone justifies the book .
11 She 'd had a fever since last night , and all day at school he 'd been thinking about her .
12 He 'd been thinking about her , but he did n't want it to show .
13 Seddon knew more about the Ingard-Stavanger case than I did , because , being an ex-chief of the Fraud Squad , he 'd been consulted about it before it came to us , and had , in fact , directed the preliminary police inquiries .
14 After all , she now knew beyond reasonable doubt who her father had been , and she 'd warmed to the little she 'd been told about him .
15 is the knowledge that if er , we 'd been talking about them two hundred and fifty years ago we 'd be put on trial and probably burnt to death .
16 I said to I said cos he 'd they 'd been talking about me .
17 As the place was really his gig we could n't use it without him We 'd been talking about it for ages — and Bernie was always badgering us about it — but we 'd not really done anything about it .
18 So they 'd been talking about it already .
19 ‘ No , he 'd been talking about it .
20 And I read that book and erm Marie , erm said said that they 've got new ones so that so that , excuse me , she 'd been talking about I 'd just made myself a pie I could n't eat any of it !
21 Well , by April 1982 , surely the Cabinet should have been thinking about it .
22 The word ‘ championship ’ , however , no matter how much he may have been thinking about it privately , I did not hear from him until much later in the year , when the scales began to tip in his favour .
23 For example , if you choose to write an essay on the novel A Very Quiet Street by the contemporary Glasgow author Frank Kuppner , you may not find it easy to get any critical work either on the book itself or on this writer ( since no books may have been written about him ) .
24 I also hoped she had n't told him about Frankie 's and my rudeness although why I should have been bothered about him I ca n't think .
25 Without a word having been spoken about it , it was settled between us , I knew ; it had been from the beginning .
26 Apart from reviews , nothing seemed to have been written about her except for a sympathetic article by Richard Strachey in the London Mercury .
27 ‘ We are aware that a number of incidents have been reported but sweet FA seems to have been done about it . ’
28 This programme experienced several problems , resulting in dangerously high sodium ion concentrations in home-made solutions and low usage rates of the solution by those who had been taught about it .
29 Tosh said he did n't like some things that had been written about her in papers .
30 It was delicious to be close to Alain , to belong to him , to know that all the time she had been alone he had been thinking about her .
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