Example sentences of "have not do [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nor is the exposure of a hitherto unknown spy by a defector well received because it shows that the counter-intelligence section responsible has not done its job properly and gives those who are controlling the defector the opportunity to boast about their success .
2 Sir Bernard 's many friends will fear he has not done himself justice .
3 The one to feel it most is Wright , and Taylor said : ‘ He probably feels he has not done himself justice when he 's played .
4 It is never — or perhaps only on occasion — the fault of an individual who has not done his job conscientiously or with an adequate standard of service .
5 A newspaper report of an inquest on a patient at the Biggleswade institution appeared to imply that the guardians had not done their duty in respect of the provision of adequate nursing staff .
6 He wrote to the company 's insurers outlining Susan 's complaint , and eventually received a letter explaining that he would have to provide evidence that the stylist had not done her job properly .
7 When she got to her desk she saw that it would not do ; it was not an essay day but at that rate there would be no essay to write ; she had not done her week 's reading .
8 I had not run well ; I had not done myself justice .
9 It 's not that the show secretary was er at club had not done his job .
10 Or they may give the impression that they are not quite sure if you are the right candidate , i.e. they have not done their homework .
11 Anxiety affects communicating as people going for an interview know only too well ; interviewees may come away feeling annoyed that their ability to respond fluently has been impaired and they have not done themselves justice .
12 I have not done your allocation acts of nineteen ninety one harvest as I am not absolutely sure of all the movements of that allocation , maybe you could detail this out for me as it will greatly help when I 'm eventually charging oblique crediting you .
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