Example sentences of "have not [verb] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Observational surveys by Tombaugh , Kowal and the Infrared Astronomical Satellite ( IRAS ) would almost certainly have revealed another Pluto or larger planet , but their failure to do so has not stopped many predictions from being made , including two more in just the past year .
2 The union 's promise that no Irish team will be allowed to go to South Africa ‘ whilst the remainder of the apartheid laws exist ’ has not convinced many people , while drawing the wrath of their recent hosts down about the heads of Dawson and his fellow-travellers .
3 Well I 've got well I 've not got many points .
4 I 've not known many burglars break into houses with alarms systems .
5 I have not noticed many placards complaining about that bedecking the streets of Edinburgh or Glasgow .
6 Even though child abuse — mainly the sexual variety — has been a more open subject in the past few years , I have not seen many articles of this nature in professional magazines .
7 It is said that MPs have not had many letters about the case , in which three businessmen nearly went to jail for doing what the Government had encouraged them to do .
8 In the discussion which follows we shall draw a simplistic distinction between spoken and written language which takes highly literate written language as the norm of written language , and the speech of those who have not spent many years exposed to written language ( a set which will include most young undergraduate students ) as the norm for spoken language .
9 Foster said : ‘ It 's a surprise because I am fully aware that I have not taken many wickets , although I also feel I have been bowling well .
10 They have not got many choices open to them , and they are also very aware of people judging them as mothers because of their age , and feel that they constantly have to prove themselves .
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