Example sentences of "have to [be] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This one simple example had shown the woman in question , and the group , that people could change and did not have to be slaves to their anxiety .
2 The agreement was based on the famous — some would say infamous-five principles : unimpeded progress to majority rule ( already enshrined in the 1961 Constitution ) had to be maintained and guaranteed ; there would have to be guarantees against retrogressive amendment of the Constitution ; there would need to be immediate improvement in the political status of the black population ; there would have to be progress towards ending racial discrimination ; and the British government would need to be satisfied that any basis proposed for independence was acceptable to the people of Rhodesia as a whole .
3 Obviously there will have to be agreements on the division of labour between national authorities and the supranational agency .
4 There would have to be changes of shifts , er and the likelihood that the operation to erm , the surveillance operation would be compromised as a result .
5 To achieve this target , something like 9 out of 10 married couples and two-thirds of the others — lone parent families , single people and flat sharers — would also have to be owners at the turn of the century .
6 And yet all our common sense ought to tell us that it does n't always have to be chips with everything and meat with every meal .
7 Poets do not necessarily have to be commentators on the historic present ; there is a world within as well as a world without .
8 It is envisaged that , if the Friends are willing to help in this way , properly trained volunteers , who would have to be members of the Friends organisation and who would have their approval , could help with special events and special projects , where existing staff do not have sufficient time to carry out the work .
9 If you see new words written and are not sure of the pronunciation because you have not heard the word or phrase used , check the pronunciation with friends — they do not have to be experts at phonetics to tell you what the word rhymes with — then bring it into your own conversation with confidence .
10 Argentina and Bolivia have shown that presidents do not have to be dictators to be reformers .
11 For that statement to be anything but trivial , there would have to be situations in which an individual was faced with a choice between an act which would promote its own reproductive success and that wou wou would injure its reproductive success , but promote that of the group , shall we say by foregoing eating something , by not fighting with another member of the group , by not mating with a female , whatever it may be .
12 Only 24 hours after the board of Farm Assured Scotch Livestock was polishing its repackaging venture , Richard Canvin , managing director of the Sims Food Group , told a London food conference there had to be incentives to farmers to produce high quality meat .
13 After 1948 all workers had to be members of the national scheme and pay a fixed ‘ contribution ’ .
14 A general election , when all candidates had to be members of KANU , was held in March 1988 [ see pp. 36136-37 ] .
15 Their task was not limited to the granting of coats of arms ; they had to be experts in recognising such armorials to identify both the dead and those who performed noble ( and base ) deeds in war .
16 Rokovssky explained in detail , and Marcelle , after a moment 's thought , agreed with his conclusion that the man and woman in question had to be agents of a rival power .
17 Peter Donald , the Scottish League secretary , said there had to be grounds for optimism that a solution within the governing body 's framework was now attainable .
18 ‘ There have to be rules about behaviour and hours , but they can be enforced without making enemies . ’
19 Since it is unlikely that all preferred paths would have an exact alignment there have to be changes of alignment .
20 OMG 's work so far ‘ has been like defining that there have to be lights on the the wing tips of aeroplanes . ’
21 There have to be limitations on what the state can afford to assist . ’
22 That apart , there have to be limits to the manager 's isolation .
23 There have to be doubts about Woosnam because he has shown so little of the form of which he has been capable in the past .
24 As we pray for peace , we have to be makers of peace , channels of peace .
25 This means that the new generation service industries have to be wealth-producers in their own right .
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