Example sentences of "have never [been] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd never been comfortable trading sallies with men .
2 We 've never been keen gardeners but last year we decided to make a special effort and bought a big selection of plants and seeds .
3 They had never been close friends but they had got on well ; lately , however , a gap had opened .
4 The table was bare again , as if there had never been good food and wine .
5 Nails ' mum and dad had never been homely sorts .
6 It is almost as if they had never been wild elephants — but only the day before yesterday , they were .
7 They had never been observant Jews ; they had been steeped in German , not Jewish , culture and identified with it .
8 Indian tours have never been simple affairs and after barely 24 hours the current one is shaping up like its predecessors .
9 Yet language difficulties have never been insurmountable barriers .
10 We need to ensure that the management of community care is improved to meet the needs of those who are discharged from hospitals and , more particularly , of those who have never been long-stay patients in our hospitals for the mentally ill .
11 ‘ Susan and I have never been social butterflies , ’ Breeze explained with dignity , ‘ and I do n't think we shall be able to entertain much .
12 Spit and polish and the mindless regime of kit preparation have never been guiding principles in the Light Division ; nonetheless , each recruit takes a pride in his appearance and is at pains to ensure that his turnout is of the highest standard .
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