Example sentences of "have just got the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Cypress has just got the first silicon on the HyperSparc CPU , according to Electronic Engineering Times , and it 's reportedly almost completely functional .
2 I guess it 's probably just that he glide up to the second part of the diphthong , has been displaced so you 've just got the first part of it left ,
3 No we 've just got the four of us .
4 You 've just got the two coming ?
5 If somebody says you do n't wan na be rushed , right , that 's what you 've got ta say to them that 's just what that old dear was saying the other day , right you certainly understand that , right , you agree with them , first thing you do you always agree with them , right and then you 've just got the same sequence as I want to think about it , but just sort of make it clear , I mean what is it they actually , you know , frightened of being rushed into ?
6 We could slot in our ag our agreed words erm that would n't , would n't have to wait till the Regional Liaison Group met because we 've just got the three kingp king kingpins hopefully er and , and try and er you know circumvent that .
7 ‘ Bryan uses seven or eight Strats and a couple of Gretsches — a green one and we 've just got the orange one . ’
8 Alright , we 've just got the green ones .
9 the sort of metal tables that have just got the four legs
10 in the heavens to make , and let us make it celebrated name for ourselves it 's , people today have just got the same attitude have n't they ?
11 He 's just got the two ai n't he ?
12 It 's just got the one pickup , the P90 , but it 's beautiful .
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