Example sentences of "have give [pron] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gail Smith writes ‘ The burden God has given me for Albania took root in 1982 the first time I ever heard mention of the country and people .
2 ‘ Since the board has elected as a matter of practice not to give reasons , and has given none to Mr. Cunningham , it has been bound by its own logic not to attempt to justify for the benefit of the court the figure awarded .
3 I 've got this feeling that she has given it to Sophie
4 Vecchi was certainly the key to this whole set-up , and I 'd have given plenty for half-an-hour 's peaceful talk with him .
5 His father would have given them to Oxfam , or to a jumble sale .
6 Fair enough I must say I 'd have given it to Whitlow myself but it does n't really matter as far a Leicester fans are concerned as long as they can hold on here for another two minutes now .
7 Amy will eat her food and play with her toys without having to give them to Keith .
8 Now you think that because I am I am forgiven and I preach forgiveness that I would be pretty good as up people , but that 's part of my human failure and I must admit that I 've given plenty of opportunity to practice at home and at work er the opportunity to forgive , but it does n't come easily and certainly it is n't a strong feature of the non-Christian world in which I work and which you will be working soon .
9 Can I put Clifford 's point to the point that we 're still discussing er which is about the surplus and how both your legal frameworks you 're advocating relate to the answers you 've given us about surplus and the concern about surplus .
10 Yeah I 've given it to Wendy for the kids .
11 Oh I 'm getting a cold here and I 'm ha but I hope I 've given it to Pete you watch !
12 Her notebook was there , the piece of paper Cobalt had given her with Barbara Coleman 's Nice address was there , everything she could recall was there except the keys .
13 She was wearing the huge red skirt she had made out of some curtains someone had sent to the jumble , and a black polo-necked jersey , and she had tied her hair up with the Indian scarf Luke had given her for Christmas .
14 She could find only her chequebook and the small , leather-bound directory Jasper had given her for Christmas and into which , to gratify the child , she had painstakingly copied the addresses and phone numbers of friends accumulated throughout a lifetime .
15 Her family was delighted although Fiona remembers her sister-in-law in America asking anxiously about the kitten James had given her for Christmas .
16 Remembering the kiss he had given her after breakfast it seemed as if their relationship might at long last have changed .
17 But last night police in Gloucester were told that Gooding , who 's thirty four had given himself to police in Greater Manchester .
18 The Supreme Court , in a seven to one vote on Sept. 10 , declined to suspend the impeachment proceedings but gave Collor until Sept 22 to prepare his defence before the Chamber of Deputies , which had given him until Sept. 15 to address it .
19 He took out the remaining hand-grenade that Frankie had given him in New Orleans and slipped that into his inside pocket .
20 The old man was delighted with the packet of cigarettes Sid had given him in exchange for the cider .
21 Before they left , Gallardo shook Valenzuela 's hand and thanked him for the cigarettes he had given him in captivity .
22 I had given them to Menna when he first left to take up his post .
23 Several women friends of Waddell said that he had given them within days of the murder large sums of money ; and a barman to whom Waddell had given £1000 for safe keeping said Waddell had told him he had won a packet on the horses .
24 Clearly , she did n't remember Jake had given it to Ruth , and Ruth said nothing ; she did n't want to talk about it .
25 She had given it with affection , but would have been forced — by custom , by law , and by John-William 's iron will — to give it anyway .
26 Why should the girls have to you know , lose their savings and money that money that people have given them as gifts just because , you know they do n't want to give out any money !
27 Make us more of a church body , Lord , using the gifts that you have given us in service for you and for one another , and learning form one another in humility .
28 The kidnappers have given us until October the eleventh to deliver the document and I have n't despaired of finding it before then .
29 She is probably the least grasping person I 've ever met , and ever since she 's had pocket money she 's given it to cancer research .
30 I mean now he 's given it to granddad .
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