Example sentences of "have come [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Trying to out-do the star-studded cast it assembled for last year 's Object World San Francisco , the Object Management Group has come up with Steve Jobs , NeXT Computer Inc chief executive ; Lee Reiswig , IBM Corp Personal Software Division president ; John Edwards , Novell Inc executive vice president ; Bud Tribble , NeXT co-founder and SunSoft Inc vice president User Systems ; Representative Edward Markey , chairman , the US House Telecommunication & Finance Committee ; Bo Hedfors , L M Ericsson Telefon AB chief technology officer ; Kurt Fischer , Pentagon director , Department of Defense Information and Elaine Bond , Chase Manhattan Bank vice-president .
2 The microcomputer firms foresee networks of micros taking over , and the minicomputer firms see networks of minis , while IBM has come up with Systems Application Architecture ( SAA ) , designed to maintain the mainframe 's iron grip on corporate data processing 's throat .
3 Tatung Science & Technology has come up with Sparcstation 10 , Sun Classic and LX clones .
4 ACE Communications Ltd has come up with Spidernet ( a name that may cause a few concerns for the Edinburgh-based Spider Systems Ltd ) a hub that supports both Token Ring and direct-attached coaxial and twinaxial connections .
5 Parsippany , New Jersey-based , Dialogic Corp , the call processing components supplier , has come up with AppServer , a software environment that lets voice processing applications run on any computing platform .
6 Now Caradon Twyfords has come up with Avalon — an attractive , stylish , user-friendly bathroom designed for anyone , old or young , disabled or able-bodied .
7 Sequoia Systems Inc , Marlborough , Massachusetts , has come up with Sequoia Support Network , claiming an industry-first in being able to instantaneously detect and automatically respond to system errors anywhere in the world .
8 Revolution Technologies Inc in Natick , Massachusetts has come up with PowerDrive , software designed to increase the file storage capacity of Sparc boxes transparently : the company says that it compresses files by 50% and it works on text and object files and executables .
9 ONE of Norfolk 's oldest houses , a twelfth-century converted priory at Horsham St Faith , five miles outside Norwich , has come up for sale through the Prudential ( 0603 761600 ) for £350,000 The house 's rarity is reflected in its Grade I listed status .
10 Well , I know the Queen has come up to Buckingham Palace , for the Season .
11 The soaring market for roof slates , helped by a return to traditional architecture and materials , has come just in time .
12 The election has come just in time to boost the Easter start of the housing market 's buying season .
13 A one million pound restoration of an ancient abbey has come just in time to prevent part of the building collapsing .
14 Physicists know only too well from studying crystalline materials that an understanding of solid-state physics is borne out of a sure knowledge of atomic structure and this has come traditionally from X-ray crystallography .
15 Although the original inspiration for this latest ‘ anti-fashion ’ movement has come largely from London street style ( and not its designers ) , the mood is being nurtured and developed in Paris and northern Europe .
16 THE EXCITING new astronomical knowledge we have gained over the past decade has come largely from satellites .
17 A white woman named Jane has come here from London , drawn by the glamour of the Third World , supposing herself to have arrived where the action is , where the ‘ doers ’ are .
18 Son Pardo has come on in leaps and bounds since finishing fifth on his debut at Newmarket on 2,000 Guineas day .
19 With the introduction of carbon fibre , rod development has come on in leaps and bounds .
20 The young members section has come on in leaps and bounds in the last few years .
21 ‘ He 's technically a very good goalkeeper and he has come on in leaps and bounds in recent weeks , ’ he said .
22 He has come on in leaps and bounds this season .
23 A smiling Hannon simply said : ‘ The ground has come right for Assessor in the Doncaster Cup . ’
24 Information on step-families has come primarily from researchers following up the impact of divorce , practitioners working with divorced parents and step-families , and most recently from step-parents themselves .
25 Help has come partly from donations , but cash for a resistance movement in a drawn out conflict could come from the Kuwait investment office ; it has a hundred billion dollars in foreign assets .
26 Evidence which also points in the same direction has come not from critics but from within the Kandel group itself .
27 Ironically , the Halls ' major income in 1992 has come not from audiences but from recording companies .
28 I notice that the Milk Marketing Board has come forward with propositions .
29 Now the Hurst Motorcycle Centre in Belfast has come forward with Hurst Rescue , a 24-hour rescue service for bikes , to cover this area .
30 This legislation on GMOs has come forward in advance of public debate on the environmental risks of genetic engineering , and indeed before widespread debate on on the broader social , economic and ethical implications of the new biotechnologies .
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