Example sentences of "have be [art] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 His secret weapon has been a three-wood he first used last June .
2 One result of that has been a proposal I made in 1983 with Jim Hartle of the University of California at Santa Barbara : that both time and space are finite in extent , but they do n't have any boundary or edge .
3 Once or twice this year there has been a suggestion you should seek fulfilment further afield — even radically changing location — and the time is ripe for this .
4 The opportunity , rather , is this : apart from lean production and quality control , one of the big domestic advantages of the best Japanese manufacturers has been the way they garner information within their own firm and use it to take decisions .
5 One of the particularly tragic consequences of the war has been the way it has distracted attention from events in the USSR and Eastern Europe , just when it was needed most .
6 All my has been the way it should .
7 So far this has been the approach we have made to our top-down dreaming .
8 A feature of the role has been the opportunity it has provided for closer liaison between the Catholic Education Commission and the Department of Education .
9 MANY East Germans are now wondering whether opening the files has been the cleansing it was supposed to be .
10 Because if I 'd have come home and it 'd been a mess I would have had a face the longest of all !
11 That 's correct , and that the further down , I mean it says that er there is a er it says that the reason you 've had been the reason you 've been sent for this treatment is because of er a particular condition you 've got .
12 And a legitimate hook because people are concerned about food and eating and so forth , and that , that would have been a hook you could grab people with , and most people would have thought ‘ That would be something I want to read about . ’
13 No doubt it appealed to his vanity and his ambition to be regarded as more than a mere fiddler ; but after a harrowing year it must have been a decision he bitterly regretted .
14 I mean that would have been a disaster I mean it 's only because I was upstairs and I thought oh I can smell boiling .
15 There must have been a shipwreck we do n't know about .
16 It would have been clean but there would have been no decorating I do n't think .
17 If he had saved anything he would have changed character and would hardly have been the man she loved .
18 Wife Kath , 48 , said : ‘ He loved his cricket and that would have been the way he wanted to go — playing the game he loved . ’
19 It does have some impact I 'm sure that you 've been the training session and you thought it 's really good , really got a lot out of it and you 're quite surprised to see someone sitting next to you did n't like that much at all , you thought hmm wonder why that is because I found the content really interesting and it could have been the content matter did n't really sort of do anything for the people , it could have been the way it was put together , put over and the way it was actually structured .
20 I might have been the butterfly I 'd watched enmeshed on the hanging geranium in Auntie 's backyard .
21 It must have been the boarding-school she had been to which determined her voice , affected , sharp , shrill .
22 Any one of them could have been the girl he was looking for , with or without a bandage .
23 They could have been the kind you find here .
24 It could have been the house you see .
25 It was just the shock of realising … of course , it must have been the killer I heard .
26 But the downside is that Pinatubo — which had been dormant for 600 years — may have been the reason we have all been reaching for our brollies and in some cases sandbagging the front door over the past few weeks .
27 ‘ That could have been the meeting she foresaw — or expected .
28 And , and in a sense , not to be explicit , would , would have been not so much a crime , but would have been an error I think .
29 But the only things worth having are the things you 've worked hard for , and I 'll last out , I daresay , so do n't you worry , girl !
30 I mean , I expect she knew how you felt about the only things worth having being the things you 'd worked hard for and earned for yourself , so you would n't want her to leave you the house ] But she did n't want you to think she 'd forgotten you , or that she was just being spiteful , or something … ’
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