Example sentences of "have be [verb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 You know without the women 's support group especially and without other support you know , we would 've been starved back to work .
2 Many a kite has been lost out to sea from a beach site , or into treetops from the local park , as the result of an over stressed and broken line .
3 The super smooth 2.5-litre intercooled turbo-diesel , quite the best of the bunch , is pepped up 4bhp to 98bhp ; the 3-litre V-6 petrol has been breathed on to the tune of an extra 8bhp , at 147bhp .
4 The company , which made its name with the Microdata Reality version of Pick , running on machines built in-house , has been moving over to software and services , which now account for 58% of total business , and on the hardware side , the company now buys in its machines .
5 However , television is such a major part of people 's lives that simple human interaction has been cut down to a minimum .
6 It has been cut back to 700 shops , each with just six departments .
7 More recently , bus route 220 has been cut back to Tooting , leaving 64 alone to serve Mitcham and Croydon .
8 The snow had drifted deep over the path that has been carved down to the chasm and we soon lost it , progressing by kicking steps into the hard snow .
9 A sheet of cloth has been placed on to a stripped bed , the winding-sheet has been folded over the left-hand side of the corpse , the remainder drawn over the right , whilst the arms have been folded across the body in line with the bottom of the rib-cage .
10 ’ The other ship , ’ Posi said , confirming my thought as it formed , ’ has been locked on to our energy-field infrapattern , by means of the advanced Intelloid that controls it . ’
11 The Jovian atmosphere has been observed down to about the 1 bar altitude , and throughout this region the predominant motion is east-west .
12 In recent years the entire MI5 registry has been transferred on to a computer at a Ministry of Defence office in Mount Row , Mayfair .
13 Manufacturing industry is now expected to grow by 1.6 per cent this year , against only 0.5 per cent last November , but the forecast for 1994 has been revised down to 2.8 per cent from 3.1 per cent .
14 The financial effort the nation has been called on to make is a very large one , especially since the cost of construction per kW of nuclear capacity is about 25 per cent higher than the cost per kW of coal-fired capacity .
15 He is also proud that in 37 years he has never lost a single victim whose life he has been called on to save .
16 Erm , I think we ought to make it very clear again , that we can now trace calls , and er , I hope the press are noting that and making as much as they can of it , because that 's the sort of thing that helps to remove malicious calls , which go which cost a lot of money , and a lot of time , and also put somebody else 's life in danger when an appliance has been called out to something that it 's not required for .
17 But to Sophie 's intense mortification it was Dawn who arrived and said calmly , ‘ Robert has been called out to a difficult calving case and I 've been told to give you his apologies .
18 Might the Mr Chairman I was just wondering if it 's worth just mentioning that the , since the Redhill Airport proposal which does include a privately funded motorway link erm point erm has gone to and has been called in to the determination I believe by the Minister , but er we are sort of pending er holding our horses until that er er is nearer the time is that not perhaps
19 In Thackeray 's Pendennis ( 1848–50 ) , for example , Lady Clavering , whose London house has been made over to the interior decorators , is put out of countenance by the result .
20 A NATIONAL treasure has been tracked down to a German museum after it was allegedly stolen by a man using a metal detector .
21 The old , inimical Adam has been beaten back to such seedy redoubts .
22 The cash has been sent on to HQ where it is sorely needed ( see our Spring issue ) .
23 Sally Grace , a dialogue coach who has taught at RADA , has been sent down to Eldorado 's £2 million set in southern Spain to help improve the actors ' diction .
24 ‘ A general alert has been sent out to certain security personnel in other countries to locate and hold him when found .
25 One miracle to praise God for is that everything that has been sent out to me I have received ( at least as far as I know ) .
26 The process was developed in 1953 and has been licensed out to more than 60 plants in numerous countries .
27 Some of the programme on Saturday , November 28th has been given over to residents of several old people 's homes and approximately £500 worth of tickets for the 2.00pm service have been donated to the residents .
28 Plenty of space has been given over to the navigating area .
29 Although most of this chapter has been given over to an exposition of the policy inefficacy proposition which was grounded in the aggregate demand-aggregate supply framework where variations in the absolute price level figure prominently , the reader should note that many new classical writers simply take it for granted that , in a competitive economy , markets clear on average over time .
30 As more animals have been brought inside by the introduction of intensive feeding systems , so more land has been given up to arable production .
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