Example sentences of "have be [verb] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Now going back into the Hebrew scriptures , you 'll find there that this sort of staying awake counsel , an idea was there long before the days of Jesus and the Apostles and people 's lives were involved in its state , even in those days , let's just let us have a look at one , Isaiah forty two eighteen to twenty now this terms it slightly different , but when you look at it and analyze it , you realize he 's talking about exactly the same thing , it 's regarding the nation of Israel who turned away from Jehovah , they were n't doing what they should be doing , or should 've been doing as he 's pleading with them look there , that look here , here you deaf ones , well we know the nation of Israel were n't all physically deaf , they were like we are , perhaps had a few deaf individuals amongst them , but
2 This has been completed but they still have to be fitted .
3 Standish examines the first two difficulties ; the third is not surprising given Neptune 's long orbital period , 165 years ( so that not even one orbit has been completed since it was discovered ) .
4 Sales will be recognised when title passes or a separately identifiable phase of a contract or development has been completed and its overall profitability can be reasonably foreseen .
5 Sales will be recognised when title passes or a separately identifiable phase of a contract or development has been completed and its overall profitability can be reasonably foreseen .
6 When system development has been completed and you are happy with the machine code , it should then be down-loaded from the computer into an E(E)PROM in the normal way via a suitable programmer .
7 Objective 1 of Part 4 has been completed and it is clear who ‘ owns ’ the problem .
8 Anxiety affects communicating as people going for an interview know only too well ; interviewees may come away feeling annoyed that their ability to respond fluently has been impaired and they have not done themselves justice .
9 Premier League chief Rick Parry has been invited but it is only for the 14 clubs .
10 If the work is commissioned by a PR consultant , the — copyright is his unless it has been arranged that it should be assigned to the client .
11 At last it has been recognised that there are many females within the club scene who have true potential .
12 I was six and a half years the , the minister of Whalsay and Skerries where the first er centre h ha has been built and there was rejoicing in that community that the that social responsibility had been invited by the council to join in this work .
13 once a building has been built and you 've got that in it 's under you then to maintain it .
14 at this point here and going right down to the final A of ANNA and the way you can , you can , cos you 're gon na step in mid way now and you assume that the appropriate sociability has set the rapport has been built and you start the role play by saying thanks very much for that , I now wan na talk about whatever your product is , yeah , and then step into role play that way ?
15 The mayor asks them to tell him what has been written because there are several which he can not read .
16 So much of his work has been lost that it is difficult to appreciate its impact , but with the backing of the ambitious mayor , Edmund Lockyer , he extensively transformed both Plymouth itself and its satellite towns of Stonehouse and Devonport .
17 We must think of restoring the animal heat which has been lost and we must consider means of counter-irritating the disease …
18 and because of the ineptitude of the leadership of the T U C , that opportunity has been lost and what are we also seeing in the public sector ?
19 Er Chairman this , this matter has caused great concern in Bungay I can tell you , I went to the Bungay town meeting last night and they were absolutely horrified at the way this has been handled and I have to apologize on behalf of the , of the County Council .
20 The one Non-Conformist chapel referred to in the article has been saved because it subsequently became a parish church and thus qualified for the fund .
21 Some of the manuscript has been saved because it had been printed off for a friend to proof-read .
22 The Commission has been instructed that it does not have to follow a uniform pattern throughout the country and therefore we may see still greater diversity over time as , in one shire , we see the county council survive and in another the district councils .
23 Inevitably this will tend to concentrate on the more prominent actions in which the service has been engaged and its present reduced role .
24 Thus , although it has been stated that there are practically no high kicks in kung fu , the practitioner who emulates the crane is training his legs for the highest possible kicks .
25 In some cases doctors will not only have to consider the capacity of the patient to refuse treatment , but also whether the refusal has been vitiated because it resulted not from the patient 's will , but from the will of others .
26 If a period has been missed and there is a possibility of pregnancy when severe or unusual pains develop with or without any blood flow .
27 But it is clear from decisions since Fleet Street Casuals in which standing has been denied that there are still limits to the rights of individuals to challenge government decisions .
28 I was delighted with the fact that the southwest of Scotland has been highlighted as I think that it is one of the most underrated parts of Scotland where golf is concerned .
29 General manager Maurizio Manzini was delighted Gazza was able to train and said : ‘ Paul has been training and there 's no problem .
30 I think the other possibility to take Stella 's point is that if there is a change that 's come up because of an audit , where a particular job has been audited and you know that within the next week or so another similar job is being audited , it may make sense to refer it 'til the next meeting , providing you 're not deferring it for a long period of time , to compar the results of the two jobs .
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